Supporting Documents

Ended on the 19 February 2025
Click the links below to download the documents in PDF format. Most modern browsers support PDFs without additional software but if you need a viewer try Acrobat Reader, which is free.

A PDF version of the Schedule of Main Modifications. A HTML version is available on this consultation page which you can place direct representations into.

Additional Modifications do not materially alter the Plan or policies but are minor changes which correct typographical errors and provide further clarity. These are therefore not subject to formal consultation. If you have any comments on the additional modifications or notice anything that should be corrected, please leave a comment on this document.

We have prepared a tracked change version of the Pre-Submission Draft Waste Local Plan which shows the proposed Main and Additional modifications. Please note that additional modifications are shown in italics. Please note also that this document is published for information purposes only to aid understanding of the context of the modifications.


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