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- Minerals and Waste Local Plan Consultations
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- Pre- Submission Draft Waste Local Plan
- Representation search for Pre- Submission Draft Waste Local Plan
- Contents
- Preface
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Scope of the New Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Local Plan
- 3. Context for Waste Planning
- 4. Overview of the Plan Area
- 5. Waste Management in the Plan Area
- 6. Our Vision and Strategic Objectives
- 7. Strategic Policies
- 8. Development Management Policies
- 9. Monitoring and Implementation
- 10. Useful Information
- 11. Glossary
- Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022
- Representation search for Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022
- Preface
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Scope of the New Nottinghamshire and Nottingham draft Waste Local Plan
- 3. Context for Waste Planning
- 4. Overview of the Plan Area
- 5. Waste Management in the Plan Area
- 6. Our Vision and Strategic Objectives
- 7. Strategic Policies
- 8. Development Management Policies
- 9. Monitoring and Implementation
- 10. Useful Information
- 11. Glossary
- Waste Issues and Options
- Representation search for Waste Issues and Options
- Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version
- Representation search for Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version
- Foreword
- Guide to this document
- How is the new Minerals Local Plan being prepared
- What is the new Minerals Local Plan
- Overview, Vision and Strategic Objectives
- Strategic Policies
- Representations made against SP1: Minerals Provision
- Representations made against SP2: Biodiversity- Led Restoration
- Representations made against SP3: Climate Change
- Representations made against SP4: Sustainable Transport
- Representations made against SP5: The Built, Historic and Natural Environment
- Representations made against SP6: The Nottinghamshire Green Belt
- Representations made against SP7: Minerals Safeguarding, Consultation Areas and Associated Minerals Infrastructure
- Minerals Provision Policies
- Representations made against MP1: Aggregate Provision
- Representations made against MP2: Sand and Gravel Provision
- Representations made against MP3: Sherwood Sandstone Provision
- Representations made against MP4: Crushed Rock (Limestone) Provision
- Representations made against MP5: Secondary and Recycled Aggregates
- Representations made against MP6: Brick Clay Provision
- Representations made against MP7: Gypsum Provision
- Representations made against MP8: Silica Sand Provision
- Representations made against MP9: Industrial Dolomite Provision
- Representations made against MP11: Coal
- Representations made against MP12: Oil and Gas
- Development Management Policies
- Representations made against DM1: Protecting Local Amenity
- Representations made against DM2: Water Resources and Flood Risk
- Representations made against DM3: Agricultural Land and Soil Quality
- Representations made against DM4: Protection and enhancement of Biodiversity and Geodiversity
- Representations made against DM5: Landscape Character
- Representations made against DM6: Historic Environment
- Representations made against DM8: Cumulative Impact
- Representations made against DM9: Highways Safety and Vehicle Movements/ Routeing
- Representations made against DM10: Airfield Safeguarding
- Representations made against DM12: Restoration, aftercare and after-use
- Representations made against DM13: Incidental Mineral Extraction
- Representations made against DM17: Mineral Exploration
- Implementation and Monitoring
- Glossary
- Appendix 1: Delivery Schedules
- Appendix 2: Site Allocation Development Briefs
- Appendix 3: Policies Map
- Appendix 4: Monitoring and Implementation Table
- Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
- Representation search for Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
- Introduction
- Overview, Vision and Strategic Objectives
- Strategic Policies
- Minerals Provision Policies
- Development Management Policies
- Glossary
- Appendix 1: Information required in support of planning applications
- Appendix 2: Delivery Schedules
- Appendix 3: Site Allocation Development Briefs
- Appendix 4: Policies Map
- Minerals Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Representation search for Minerals Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Non-technical summary
- Consultation Questions
- Representations made against 1. Introduction - What is Sustainability Appraisal?
- Representations made against 2. Methodology
- Representations made against 3. Other relevant Plans, Programmes and Policies
- Representations made against 4. Baseline information and characteristics of Nottinghamshire
- Representations made against 5. Sustianbility issues
- Representations made against 6. Developing our sustainability objectives (the SA Framework)
- What happens next?
- Appendix 1: Review of Relevant Plans, Programmes and Policies
- Appendix 2: Review of Baseline Data
- Appendix 3: Contextual data mapping
- Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
- Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation
- Representation search for Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation
- Adopted documents