Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

Ended on the 4 April 2022

(2) 6. Our Vision and Strategic Objectives


What you told us at the Issues and Option Stage:

  • Overall, there was support for the Strategic Objectives with suggestions made on specific topic areas to strengthen them
  • There were several suggestions for the environment objective, including referring to the protection of water resources as per the water framework directive, outlining that restoration of waste sites will deliver nature conservation benefits and ensuring that all elements of heritage, including archaeology, was considered
  • Representations on the climate change objective suggested greenhouse gas emissions should be explicitly referenced and this objective should be connected with delivering more innovative waste solutions to meet climate change commitments
  • In relation to the strategic transport objective, there were mixed views with some supporting the use of sustainable alternative modes of transport and locating facilities near the source and markets and others suggesting that this objective was unfeasible
  • For the community, health and wellbeing objective many comments supported this but highlighted that it needed to be well implemented with mitigations in place
  • Comments on other topic areas which could be addressed through the objectives, included seeking to reduce waste production, providing incentives to deter fly tipping and ensuring waste facilities are safeguarded and allocated through the plan


Issues and Options Sustainability Appraisal findings on the Vision and Objectives:

  • The Issues and Options does not make any reference to the provision of sites for waste management or ensuring that such provision is adequate within the Plan area.
  • The Vision seeks to protect Nottinghamshire's and Nottingham's environment and wildlife but does not address enhancement of biodiversity or achieving biodiversity net gain.
  • Although the Vision refers to businesses and communities managing waste locally wherever possible, it does not include any reference to the location of waste management facilities, transportation distances for waste or modes of transport.
  • The Vision seeks to protect Nottinghamshire's and Nottingham's heritage.
  • This matter of town and landscape is not explicitly addressed within the Vision though it does state that the environment would be protected, which could include landscape and townscape. It does not refer to any enhancement of environmental assets.
  • In terms of flood risk, this matter is not explicitly addressed though the Vision does refer to minimising the effects of climate change, which could include flooding
  • Although the Vision does seek to minimise the effects of climate change it does not address impacts of waste management activities on climate change, for example, through greenhouse gas emissions. The Vision does not refer to increasing the adaptability of waste management facilities to climate change.
  • Although the Vision states that the environment will be protected which could possibly include soil, it would not give any protection to high quality agricultural land.
  • The Vision is for the Plan area to be sustainable in waste management with the value of waste as a resource being recognised. The Vision also seeks to ensure prevention and re-use of waste and that recycling rates are met.
  • The issues of promoting energy efficiency and maximise renewable energy opportunities from new or existing development, protecting and improving local water and air quality are not addressed in the Vision.
  • Using waste as a resource and moving towards a circular economy are referred to in the Vision which could contribute to supporting the wider economy and providing local job opportunities.
  • The Vision seeks to protect quality of life and avoid any risks to human health, but it does not encompass improvements
  • No incompatibility was found between the proposed strategic objectives for the Waste Local Plan (WLP) and the SA objectives. There were several instances where there was no relationship between the WLP's strategic objectives and some of the SA objectives, but this was to be expected given the broad range of issues covered.
  • There were a small number of strategic objectives where the relationship with one or more of the SA objectives was unknown or dependent on implementation every strategic objective was compatible with a number of SA objectives. However, it was found that there were significant gaps in the coverage of these strategic objectives in terms of addressing all the SA objectives.
  • It was therefore recommended that revised strategic objectives be developed which address the issues outlined in the SA objectives on promoting sustainable patterns of movement and the use of more sustainable modes of transport; protecting the quality of the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings above and below ground; protecting and enhancing the quality and character of townscape and landscape; and reducing the impact and risk of flooding.

6.1. Building on the issues identified, this Plan sets out a vision and strategic objectives to deliver sustainable waste management over the Plan period. Using the existing waste core strategy and the comments received during the Issues and Options Consultation in 2020, we have developed a draft vision set out below. It sets out how waste should be managed in Nottinghamshire and Nottingham throughout the plan period. The vision demonstrates a positive approach to planning and as such is intended to be both ambitious and deliverable. The vision is supported by 7 Strategic Objectives, and include topics such as climate change, community, health and wellbeing, the environment, and transport.

(6) Vision

By 2038 our communities and businesses will produce less waste by re-using resources as far as possible as part of a truly circular economy. This will be supported by an ambitious and innovative waste industry enabling us to meet, and preferably exceed existing and future recycling targets. We will then seek to recover the maximum value from any leftover waste in terms of materials or energy. Disposal will be the last resort once all other options have been exhausted.


There will be an appropriate mix of waste management site types, sizes and locations to ensure there is sufficient capacity to meet current and future needs. The geographical spread of waste management facilities will be closely linked to our concentrations of population and employment so that waste can be managed locally as far as possible/close to where it is produced. Large facilities will be focussed around the Nottingham urban area, Mansfield and Ashfield with medium sized facilities close to Worksop, Retford and Newark.


Existing waste management facilities will be safeguarded, where appropriate, and new facilities will be situated in the most sustainable locations to support the needs of all new development and promote sustainable patterns of movement and sustainable modes of transport.


The quality of life of those living, visiting and working in the area will be improved and any risks to human health avoided. We will protect and enhance our environment, wildlife, high quality agricultural land and heritage, improve air quality and use water resources efficiently in order to minimise the effects of climate change and achieving biodiversity net gains.


We will promote waste management facilities' adaptability to climate change and secure energy efficiency and sustainable building techniques whilst maximising renewable energy opportunities from new or existing waste development.


How will we deliver the vision and objectives?

6.2. For the Waste Local Plan to work it must be deliverable. We need to have clear goals for what we want to achieve and be able to measure the effectiveness of our future policies. To do this we have developed the following objectives that build on the elements of the draft Vision above.

(5) Strategic Objective 1: Acting on climate change

- encourage the efficient use of natural resources by promoting waste as a resource, limit further impacts by avoiding damage to air quality, water or soil, reduce the need to transport waste and accept that some change is inevitable and manage this by making sure that all new waste facilities are designed and located to withstand the likely impacts of flooding, higher temperatures and more frequent storms.

(2) Strategic Objective 2: Strengthening our economy

– promote a diverse local economy that treats waste as a resource, minimising waste production and maximising the re-use, recycling and recovery of waste by making the most of the opportunities for businesses, communities and local authorities to work together. Encourage investment in new and innovative waste management technologies and learn from best practice.

(3) Strategic Objective 3: Protecting our environment

– to ensure any new waste facilities protect the countryside, wildlife and valuable habitats, by protecting water, soil and air quality across the plan area and to care for the built, historic and natural environment of the area.

Strategic Objective 4: Safeguarding Community Health and Wellbeing

–to ensure any, new waste facilities do not adversely impact on local amenities and quality of life from impacts such as dust, traffic, noise, odour and visual impact and address local health concerns.

(1) Strategic Objective 5: Meeting our future needs

–ensuring that there is a mix of site types, sizes and locations to help us manage waste sustainably wherever possible. Meet current and future targets for recycling our waste. Safeguarding existing and/or potential future sites where appropriate. Locate new waste facilities to support new residential, commercial and industrial development across the plan area.

Strategic Objective 6: Promoting high quality design and operation

– ensure that all facilities are designed and operated to the highest standards. Improve the understanding, acceptance and appearance of waste management facilities which are an essential part of our infrastructure.

(2) Strategic Objective 7: Minimising the impacts of transporting waste

– encourage alternatives to road such as water and rail where practical, locate sites close to sources of waste and/or end-markets to reduce transport distances and make use of existing transport links to minimise the impacts of new development.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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