Proposed schedule of main modifications

Ends on 19 February 2025 (27 days remaining)

Chapter 9 - Monitoring and Implementation

PMM39 Comment

Monitoring, p. 111


Add the following explanatory text following paragraph 9.3:

'The monitoring report will also provide updates to the following information using the latest data available at the time to update Chapter 5 of the Plan and provide key information in which to monitor the policies and the Plan to ensure it remains reflective of current needs:

  • Waste arisings for LACW, C&I Waste and CD&E Waste
  • Waste management methods (percent of arisings recycled, recovered and disposed) for LACW, C&I Waste and CD&E Waste
  • Operational facilities in the Plan area and their operational capacity categorised by facility type ((i.e. anaerobic digestion, transfer etc.)
  • Permitted waste facilities and their permitted/ anticipated capacity for the monitoring period, categorised by facility type (i.e. anaerobic digestion, transfer etc.)'


To provide clarity on what the monitoring report will cover.

PMM40 Comment

Monitoring, p. 111


Add the following explanatory text between 9.3 and 9.4:

'The Councils will also engage with District and Borough Councils, neighbouring Waste Planning Authorities and other relevant bodies whilst undertaking the monitoring report to ensure any relevant local, regional and national strategic matters are taken account when monitoring the policies and Plan.'


To ensure continued engagement with key bodies and that relevant strategic matters are considered within the monitoring process

PMM41 Comment

Monitoring, p. 111


Add the following text to paragraph 9.5 to create two paragraphs:

'Appendix 1 contains a detailed monitoring and implementation table which sets out the policies, performance indicators and triggers for monitoring. Based upon the performance of the policies, the monitoring report will conclude how this impacts the delivery of the Strategic Objectives and the Vision.

If monitoring indicates a review of a policy, or the Plan, is required, the relevant bodies will be consulted for their input and feedback at the earliest stage possible.'


To monitor the delivery of the Vision and Strategic Objectives and so the Plan overall aims.

To ensure continued engagement with key bodies within the monitoring process.

PMM42 Comment

SP2, p. 113


Add the following text to the corrective action:

'If recycling levels fall below aspirations, revision made to waste management forecasts in Chapter 5. Where necessary, review the Plan to consider the allocation of specific sites or areas of search for new waste management facilities.'


To ensure that monitoring of the Plan is effective and ensure continued sufficient capacity to handle waste arisings.

PMM43 Comment

SP4, p. 114


Add the following text to the corrective action:

'Review policy and, if necessary, review the Plan and consider the allocation of specific sites or areas of search for new waste management facilities to ensure need being met adequately met.'


To ensure that monitoring of the Plan is effective and ensure continued sufficient capacity to handle waste arisings.

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