Proposed schedule of main modifications

Ended on the 19 February 2025


This document sets out a schedule of potential main modifications to the Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Pre-Submission Draft Waste Local Plan (CD1) which the Councils have prepared for consideration throughout the examination of the Plan. Main modifications are those which materially affect the policies and plan. This document should be read alongside the schedule of proposed additional modifications document.

The below main modifications are based upon discussions at the hearing sessions held on the 15th and 16th of October 2024, our response to the Inspectors Matters, Issues and Questions and review of representations received at the Regulation 19 consultation stage on the Pre-Submission Draft version of the Waste Local Plan, with the Councils indicating within the Consultation Statement (Regulation 22) (CD7) where modifications could be made. Respondent's full representations can be viewed in documents CD4 (Representations to Pre-Submission Draft in respondent order) and CD5 (Representations to Pre-Submission Draft in plan order).

It should be noted that these are potential main modifications identified by the Councils, it will be ultimately the Inspector's discretion whether these suggested modifications are necessary and appropriately worded.

How to read this schedule

Text to be inserted is shown underlined.

Text to be deleted is shown struck through.

Please note that in the Tracked Change Version of the Pre-submission Draft Plan which has been published to aid understanding of where the modifications are proposed, additional modifications are shown in italics.

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