Proposed schedule of main modifications

Ends on 19 February 2025 (27 days remaining)

Chapter 6 - Our Vision and Strategic Objectives

PMM2 Comment

Vision, p. 44


Amend the Vision to the following:

'By 2038 households and businesses will produce less waste by minimising the use of resources and re-using these as far as possible as part of a truly circular economy. This will be supported by an ambitious and innovative waste industry enabling us to manage waste higher up the waste hierarchy and meet, and preferably exceed, existing and future recycling targets. We will then seek to recover the maximum value from any leftover waste in terms of materials, or energy. Disposal will be the last resort once all other options have been exhausted.

There will be an appropriate mix of waste management site types, sizes and locations to ensure there is sufficient capacity to meet current and future needs for all waste streams, aiming to be net self-sufficient. The geographical spread of waste management facilities will be closely linked to our concentrations of population and employment so that waste can be managed locally as far as possible/close to where it is produced to avoid undue movements of waste as per the proximity principle.

Existing waste management facilities will be safeguarded, where appropriate, and new facilities will be situated in the most sustainable locations to support the needs of Nottinghamshire and Nottingham and of all new development and promote, whilst promoting sustainable patterns of movement and sustainable modes of transport.

The quality of life of those living, visiting and working in the area will be improved and protected and, where possible, enhanced with any risks to human health avoided. We will protect and enhance our environment, wildlife, high quality best and most versatile agricultural land, heritage and landscape, improve air quality, water quality and use water resources efficiently in order to minimise the effects of climate change, including flooding, and achieving biodiversity net gains.

We will promote waste management facilities' adaptability to climate change and secure energy efficiency and sustainable building techniques whilst maximising renewable energy opportunities from new or existing waste development.'


To ensure clarity that the Plans approach is to:

  • Achieve net self-sufficiency by meeting the current and future needs for all waste streams and ensuring sufficient opportunities to meet this need.
  • Promote the Proximity Principle
  • Promote the waste hierarchy
  • Protect and enhance, where possible, quality of life
  • Protect the best and most versatile agricultural land

PMM3 Comment

Objective 1: Meet our future needs, p. 45


Add the following to the objective:

'Objective 1: Meet our future needs -ensure that there is a mix of site types, sizes and locations to help us manage waste sustainably wherever possible. Provide sufficient capacity to manage the equivalent of our own waste arisings so to achieve net self-sufficiency. Meet current and future targets for recycling our waste. Safeguard existing and/or potential future sites where appropriate. Locate new waste facilities to support new residential, commercial and industrial development across the plan area. Provide adequate waste management sites located in the most suitable and sustainable locations, supporting opportunities to co-locate waste management facilities together and with complementary activities where appropriate.'


To ensure clarity that the Plans approach is to achieve net self-sufficiency and supports the opportunity to co-locate waste management facilities together and with complementary activities.

PMM4 Comment

Objective 4: The environment, p. 45


Amend objective to read:

'Objective 4: The environment - ensure any new waste facilities avoid adverse impacts and harm on the landscape, wildlife and valuable habitats., by protecting and enhancing Protect and enhance water, soil and air quality across the plan area, minimise loss of best and most versatile agricultural land and deliver biodiversity net gains to support environment benefits. Avoid harm to the built and natural Protect and conserve the significance of the historic environment, heritage assets and their setting, enhancing where possible, avoiding harm in the first instance. and ensure biodiversity net gains are achieved in new waste developments to support environmental benefits.'


To include reference to best and most versatile agricultural land.

To address Historic England's recommendation (ID:1020) to amend wording to ensure the significance of the historic environment, heritage assets and their setting are protected and conserved.

PMM5 Comment

Objective 6: Sustainable Transport, p. 46


Amend the title of Strategic Objective 6 to:

Strategic Objective 6: Sustainable movement of waste Transport'.


To ensure the name of the objective reflects all its elements.

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