Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

Ended on the 14 January 2018

Minerals safeguarding and consultation areas

The National Planning Policy Framework requires that known locations of specific minerals be safeguarded from needless sterilisation by non-minerals development (such as built development) and that where it is necessary for non-minerals development to take place, there should be prior extraction of the mineral where practicable and environmentally feasible.

The Mineral Safeguarding Areas (MSA) identify mineral resources which are worthy of safeguarding, however the identification of mineral safeguarding areas does not provide a presumption in favour of working the mineral, and is not a guarantee that there is mineral present of viable quantity or quality.

Minerals Consultation areas must be identified in the Minerals Local Plan, which require District and Borough authorities to consult the Mineral Planning Authority over non-minerals development. In Nottinghamshire the consultation areas are based on the minerals safeguarding areas and are therefore identical. As such it is proposed to include one designation on the proposals map.   

For the purposes of safeguarding, Nottinghamshire has eight distinct mineral resources. These are:

- Sand and gravel

- Sherwood Sandstone

- Alluvial Sand and Gravel;

- Limestone (including building stone);

- Industrial dolomite;

- Brick Clay;

- Gypsum;

- Surface Coal

Plan 7 shows the proposed extent of the minerals safeguarding.

National policy also refers to the importance of safeguarding minerals infrastructure such as wharves and railheads to ensure that facilities remain to enable the transportation of minerals. There are no railheads within Nottinghamshire however one wharf at Colwick industrial estate is proposed to be safeguarded.

It is proposed to include a policy ensuring that economically important mineral resources will be safeguarded from needless sterilisation, but where this cannot be demonstrated prior extraction of the mineral should be sought where practicable.

(14) Q26 Are you aware of any issues relating to minerals safeguarding that should be considered through the Minerals Local Plan review?

Plan 7 Minerals safeguarding in Nottinghamshire

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