Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

Ended on the 14 January 2018

Development Management policies

Development Management (DM) policies provide the more detailed criteria against which future planning applications will be assessed. These policies cover topics such as environmental pollution, traffic, biodiversity, the historic environment and after-use of sites and are especially important in protecting residential and other local amenity.  The broad aim is to ensure that the impacts of development proposals are identified, and where appropriate mitigated so that only environmentally acceptable proposals are permitted.

The proposed policy topics include, as a minimum:

  • Protecting local amenity
  • Water resources and flood risk
  • Agricultural land and soil quality
  • Protection and enhancement of biodiversity and geodiversity
  • Landscape character
  • Historic environment
  • Public access
  • Cumulative impact
  • Highways safety and vehicle movements/routeing
  • Airfield safeguarding
  • Planning obligations
  • Restoration, afteruse and aftercare
  • Minerals safeguarding and consultation areas
  • Incidental mineral extraction
  • Irrigation lagoons
  • Borrow pits
  • Associated industrial development
  • Mineral exploration

(28) Q25 Do you agree with the proposed development management policy areas? Are there any others that should be covered?

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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