Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version

Ended on the 11 October 2019

How is the new Minerals Local Plan being prepared?

The preparation of the Minerals Local Plan includes a number of key consultation and other stages as illustrated below.

Key stages in preparing the new Minerals Local Plan

How to read this document

To help you follow this document each chapter is set out as follows:


This is a short introduction to the topic, which gives the context for each of the topic/policy areas.


Policies are set out in these boxes

Where policies include land allocations, reference codes are used to identify each individual site. For site specific allocations the reference codes are based on the policy number (e.g. MP2 = sand and gravel)


This sets out in detail an explanation of the policy, including the reasons why it is needed, justification for the approach taken and what the policy seeks to achieve.

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