Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version

Ended on the 11 October 2019

6. Implementation and Monitoring


6.1. Local Plans should be monitored regularly to ensure that the policies within them are deliverable and effective and to identify whether the Plan or any of its policies need to be reviewed.

6.2. The policies set out in the Minerals Local Plan will primarily be implemented through the development management process in terms of determining planning applications and in carrying out the Council's ongoing minerals development monitoring and enforcement role.

6.3. Monitoring is important in facilitating the delivery of sustainable minerals development, the County will monitor all minerals development granted by the authority and will use appropriate compliance measures, such as regular site visits and enforcement action, to ensure all permitted minerals development comply with the terms of their planning permissions.

6.4. The Minerals Local Plan identifies the provision of aggregate minerals supply that is needed to meet demand during the plan period; 2018-2036. It makes separate provision for secondary and recycled aggregates, brick clay, gypsum, silica sand, industrial dolomite, building stone, coal and hydrocarbons.

6.5. The Plan contains overarching strategic policies mineral provision policies and development management policies, all of which have been developed to ensure that the overall approach is delivered in an environmentally sustainable way.


6.6. The Localism Act 2011 requires the production of monitoring reports. Details of what this must contain are set out in The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 with further guidance in the National Planning Policy Guidance.

6.7. The County Council produces a monitoring report each year to review:

  • Progress in preparing the new planning policy documents that will make up the development framework;
  • How well existing minerals and waste planning policies are working;
  • New national or other relevant policy guidance that needs to be taken into account;
  • Updates in local social, economic and environmental indicators that may influence existing and future minerals and waste policies.

6.8. Alongside the monitoring report, a requirement to prepare a Local Aggregates Assessment (LAA) was introduced through the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework in March 2012.

6.9. The LAA sets out:

  • Summaries of past aggregate production, number of active quarries and the distribution of the extracted mineral.
  • Future apportionment levels based on the NPPF 10 year average figure and comparison to past apportionment figures.
  • The key issues that could affect the future demand for aggregates over the next plan period.

6.10. More detailed guidance on LAAs was published by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) in October 2012 and adds the requirement to produce a 3-year average production figure in order to monitor future demand.

6.11. Nottinghamshire County Council will work with the minerals industry and other mineral planning authorities, including through the East Midlands Aggregates Working Party to monitor sales, distribution and reserves of aggregate minerals and changes in patterns of supply to inform future forecasting and demand.

6.12. Observations recorded in the monitoring report and LAA will feed into reviews of the Minerals Local Plan, and if the strategy is not delivering or is indeed over delivering minerals an early review of the local plan may be necessary.

6.13. Appendix 4 contains a detailed monitoring and implementation table which sets out the policies, performance indicators and triggers for monitoring.

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