Waste Issues and Options

Ended on the 8 May 2020

7. Development Management Policies

7.1. Development Management (DM) policies are proposed to be included in the Plan to provide the more detailed criteria against which future planning applications for waste management will be assessed. These policies cover topics such as environmental pollution, traffic, biodiversity, the historic environment and after-use of sites and are especially important in protecting residential and other local amenities. The broad aim is to ensure that the impacts of development proposals are identified, and where appropriate mitigated so that only environmentally acceptable proposals are permitted.

7.2. These policies will need to cover the issues shown below but you may feel there are other issues which need to be addressed such as for specific types of waste management facility -energy recovery or sewage treatment for example:

  • Highways and transport
  • Air quality
  • Green Belt
  • Landscape protection
  • Woodland protection
  • Nature conservation
  • Archaeology
  • Heritage
  • Pollution
  • Noise
  • Flooding and water resources
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Public rights of way

(17) Q16: What do you think of our proposals for the scope of the development management policies? Are there any others that should be covered such as for specific types of waste management facility?

(24) Q17: Are there any other comments you would like to make to help inform the preparation of the Waste Local Plan?

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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