Waste Issues and Options

Ended on the 8 May 2020

5. Our Vision and Strategic Objectives

5.1. Building on the issues identified, the Plan must set out a vision and strategic objectives to deliver sustainable waste management over the Plan period. Building on the existing waste core strategy vision we have developed the draft vision below.

5.2. The draft vision sets out how waste should be managed in Nottinghamshire and Nottingham throughout the plan period. The vision should demonstrate a positive approach to planning and as such should be both ambitious and deliverable.

Our vision is for the Plan area to be sustainable in waste management, by encouraging businesses and communities to see the value of waste as a resource and take responsibility for their own waste by managing waste locally wherever possible.

To promote a modern and effective waste management industry, protect Nottinghamshire's and Nottingham's environment, wildlife and heritage and minimise the effects of climate change.

To protect the quality of life of those living, visiting and working in the area and to avoid any risks to human health. Stress the importance of the waste hierarchy and the circular economy to prevent and re-use waste as a resource wherever possible and meet, and preferably exceed recycling rates for Nottinghamshire and Nottingham.

(18) Q12: Do you agree with the draft vision? Are there other things we should include?

How will we deliver the vision?

5.3. For the Waste Local Plan to work it must be deliverable. We need to have clear goals for what we want to achieve and be able to measure the effectiveness of our future policies. To do this we have developed the following objectives that build on the elements of the draft Vision above.

Objective 1: Climate change - encourage the efficient use of natural resources by promoting waste as a resource, limit further impacts by avoiding damage to air quality, water or soil, reduce the need to transport waste and accept that some change is inevitable and manage this by making sure that all new waste facilities are designed and located to withstand the likely impacts of flooding, higher temperatures and more frequent storms.

Objective 2: Strengthen our economy – promote a diverse local economy that treats waste as a resource, minimising waste production and maximising the re-use, recycling and recovery of waste by making the most of the opportunities for businesses, communities and local authorities to work together. Encourage investment in new and innovative waste management technologies and learn from best practice.

Objective 3: The environment – to ensure any new waste facilities protect the countryside, wildlife and valuable habitats, by protecting water, soil and air quality across the plan area and to care for the built and natural heritage of the area.

Objective 4: Community, Health and Wellbeing –to ensure any new waste facilities do not adversely impact on local amenities and quality of life from impacts such as dust, traffic, noise, odour and visual impact and address local health concerns.

Objective 5: Meet our future needs –ensuring that there is a mix of site types, sizes and locations to help us manage waste sustainably wherever possible. Meet current and future targets for recycling our waste. Safeguarding existing and/or potential future sites where appropriate. Locate new waste facilities to support new residential, commercial and industrial development across the plan area.

Objective 6: High quality design and operation – ensure that all facilities are designed and operated to the highest standards. Improve the understanding, acceptance and appearance of waste management facilities which are an essential part of our infrastructure.

Objective 7: Sustainable Transport – encourage alternatives to road such as water and rail where practical, locate sites close to sources of waste and/or end-markets to reduce transport distances and make use of exiting transport links to minimise the impacts of new development.

(28) Q13: Are the above objectives appropriate? Are there others we should consider?

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