Waste Issues and Options

Ended on the 8 May 2020

1. Introduction

Scope of the new Waste Local Plan

1.1. Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council are preparing a new joint Waste Local Plan to provide the planning policy framework against which all proposals for new waste development will be assessed.

1.2. All local plans have to cover a period of at least 15 years but can look further ahead. The new Waste Local Plan is likely to cover the period until 2038, but we are seeking your views on the exact length of the plan period. The plan's over-arching theme will be the promotion of sustainable waste management and the provision of facilities to support the highest rates of recycling and recovery where possible. This means balancing the economic benefits and need for waste management against the social and environmental impacts of such development, to help achieve a sustainable way of dealing with waste in the Plan area.

1.3. In order to achieve this, the Plan needs to consider the key issues and options we will face during the Plan period. This will include looking at the need for different types of waste facilities, given the projected growth in households and the economy over the period, along with a range of development management policies that set out environmental and other standards that all new waste management proposals should comply with.

1.4. A useful information section is contained at the end of the document setting out the different types and waste and who deals with it.

We need your views to help shape the development of the Waste Local Plan.

What happens next?

1.5. At the end of this consultation exercise we will consider all comments received and decide which options should go forward into the new Plan. You will then be able to comment on a draft Waste Local Plan and tell us what you think before decisions are made about what will go into the final Plan. A summary of the main stages of plan preparation before it can be adopted is set out below.

Want more information?

1.6. This Issues and Options consultation paper is supported by background papers which set out in more detail our understanding of current trends and provision for waste management (Waste Monitoring Report 2019) and an assessment of requirements for future provision (Preliminary Waste Needs Assessment 2019). These will be updated throughout the plan process, as needed.

Contact us

Nottinghamshire County Council is administering the preparation of the Plan on behalf of both Councils.

Contact us Online: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/waste

Email: planning.policy@nottscc.gov.uk

By post:

Planning Policy Team

Place Department.

Nottinghamshire County Council

County Hall

West Bridgford



By Phone: 0300 500 80 80 (customer contact centre)

Please ensure that we receive your comments by5pm on Thursday 9th April 2020.

Alternative formats

This information can be made available in alternative formats or languages on request.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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