Waste Issues and Options

Ended on the 8 May 2020


Significant changes have taken place in the way people regard and manage the things that are no longer needed. Today waste is no longer something which is buried in the ground. It is a resource to be re-used, recycled and then recovered. The way products are made is being addressed to encourage re-use and repair and minimise the use of single use plastics. Increasingly waste is seen as a resource within a "circular" economy with re-use and recovery at its heart.

Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council are preparing a new joint Waste Local Plan to provide the planning policy framework against which all proposals for new waste development will be assessed.

We need to plan to ensure that there are sufficient sites to meet future demand for waste and resource recovery over the next 15-20 years, a period which will see significant housing and economic growth across the plan area.

We need to gather views from all sections of the Nottinghamshire and Nottingham communities on these issues. There is likely to be a wide range of views about the shape of future waste management in the County and City and we need to find a consensus of opinion and deliverable solutions. It is therefore vital you let us know what you think so we can take your views into account before any decisions are made about what should go into the new Waste Local Plan.

This document will be open for comments between the 27th February to the 9th April 2020. To help you make comments we have included some specific questions throughout this document but feel free to raise anything else you think is relevant.

We would encourage you to respond online to this consultation at www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/waste or you can email/write to us at the addresses shown on page 7. Please note all comments that you make will be made public.

Councillor Rostance

Vice Chairman, Communities and Place Committee

Nottinghamshire County Council

Councillor Woodings

Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing and Heritage

Nottingham City Council

Useful Information

To help you use this document we have included a short explanation of the main types of waste and the different organisations involved at the end of the document.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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