Pre- Submission Draft Waste Local Plan

Ended on the 11 October 2023

1. Introduction

The new Waste Local Plan

1.1. Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council are preparing a new joint Waste Local Plan to provide the planning policy framework against which all proposals for new waste development will be assessed.

1.2. The Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Joint Draft Waste Local Plan will form the land use planning strategy for waste development within Nottinghamshire and Nottingham up to 2038. It will provide the basis for the determination of waste planning applications within the Plan Area. Its over-arching theme is the promotion of sustainable development and achieving the highest quality waste management facilities.

1.3. Once adopted, the new Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Local Plan forms the land use planning strategy for waste development within the County up to 2038. It will provide the basis for the determination of all recycling and waste planning applications within the County and City. The new plan will, when adopted, replace the Waste Core Strategy and Local Plan.

Have your say

1.4. The Councils have published what is considered to be a sound plan for examination. The purpose of this Pre-submission draft Plan consultation exercise is to invite comment on the soundness of the plan. It is the versions that the Councils seek to adopt, subject to the examination, as the future framework that will guide the future development of recycling and waste facilities in Nottinghamshire and Nottingham.

1.5. This document is anticipated to be available for comments between the 30th August and 11th October 2023. We would encourage you to respond online to this consultation using our online consultation system as detailed below. We will handle your personal information in accordance with our data protection protocols. Responses will be made public, but personal details will be redacted.

How to make representations

1.6. If you would like to make representations on the Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Local Plan, we would encourage you to do so online via our website at, using our interactive online representation system for efficiency of processing. However, if you are unable to make your representations you can email us your comments, with contact details below.

Contact us

Nottinghamshire County Council is administering the preparation of the Plan on behalf of both Councils.

Contact us Online:


By post:

Planning Policy Team
Place Department.
Nottinghamshire County Council
County Hall
West Bridgford

By Phone: 0300 500 80 80 (customer contact centre)

Please ensure that we receive your comments by 5pm on the 11th October 2023.

Alternative formats

This information can be made available in alternative formats or languages on request.

What happens next?

1.7. At the end of this consultation exercise, we will consider all comments and may make further changes as necessary before seeking approved to submit the plan to the Planning Inspectorate for examination.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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