Minerals Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report

Ended on the 15 January 2018

(1) Appendix 2: Review of Baseline Data



East Midlands



Status and Comments

Land Use and Countryside


208,500 ha

1,563,000 ha

24,087,000 ha

Nottinghamshire  is 13% of East Midlands land area



2008: 4,850.1 km

2008: 31,223.5 km

2008: 300,966.6 km

Minor increase at local level after decrease in previous years, compared with sustained increases at regional and national level


2009: 4,832.2 km

2012: 4,845.6 km

2013: 4.845.6 km

2014: 4,824.8 km

2015: 4,836.4 km

2016: 4,850.5 km

2009: 31,288.9 km

2012: 31,361.3 km

2013: 31,425.7 km

2014: 31,445.0 km

2015: 31,483.3 km

2016: 31,618.5 km

2009: 301,187.3 km

2012: 301,724.6 km

2013: 302,093.2 km

2014: 302,296.0 km

2015: 302,477.3 km

2016: 303,427.7 km

Rights of Way

1992: 3,209 km

1992: 18,763 km

1992: 224,000 km

Nottinghamshire has 17% of Region's rights of way. 


Protect rights of way.  Seek mitigation where appropriate and promote increased accessibility where possible.

2006: 2,611.2 km

2008: 188,700 km


3,530 km

2007: est. 150,000 km (England & Wales)



Protect surface water quality.

Rural Areas



Nottinghamshire has a slightly higher proportion of rural areas compared to the regional average.


Protect rural areas from inappropriate development.

Urban Areas

1991: 16,940 ha (8%)

1991: 92,300 ha (6%)

1991: 1,087,200 ha (5%)

No change at national or regional level but figures suggest increasing urbanisation at local level.


Promote re-use of previously developed land and infrastructure.

2001: 18,490 ha (9%)

2001:100,900 ha (6%)

2001: 1,158,900 ha (5%)

Agricultural Land

2003: 151,000 ha (72%)

2003: 1,125,000 ha (72%)

2003: 17,230,000 ha (72%)

2010: 17,234,000 ha (71%)

2011: 17,172,000 ha (70%)

2012: 17,190,000 ha (70%)

2013: 17,259,000 ha (71%)

Local figure in line with regional and national figure.


Protect high quality agricultural land.


(no date) 16,680 ha (8%)

1995-1999: 79,871 ha (5%)

2009: 1,128,000 ha (5%)

Nottinghamshire has a higher than average level of woodland coverage.   No significant change at national and regional levels although no more recent local data is available. 


Maintain woodland coverage.  Seek mitigation for losses/enhancement where appropriate.

2006: 5%

2010: 1,130,000 ha (5%)

2013: 1,300,000 ha (10%)

Natural Environment and Biodiversity

International sites

2009: 1 SAC at 272 ha (< 1%)

2009: 9 SAC / 3 SPA

2009: 241 SAC / 84 SPA

Minor increases at regional and national level. No change at local.


Maintain favourable status and seek opportunities for enhancement.

2010: 1 SAC at 272 ha (< 1% )

2014: 1 SAC at 272 ha (< 1%)

2010: 9 SAC / 3 SPA

2013: 11 SAC / 3 SPA

2010: 241 SAC / 84 SPA

2013: 242 SAC / 85 SPA

National sites

2009: 68 SSSI / 1 NNR (< 1%)

2009: 390 SSSI / 14 NNR

2009: 4,114 SSSI / 222 NNR

Minor decrease at local level over 10 years, with minor increases at regional and national level (with exception of loss of one NNR – although this may be down to incorrect data). Trend over time shows poor performance in Nottinghamshire, with room for improvement.


Poor performance locally leaves room for improvement. Seek to minimise future losses of SSSIs.

2010: 68 SSSI / 1 NNR (< 1%)

2014: 66 SSSI / 1 NNR (< 1%)

2017: 67 SSSI / NNR (<1%)

2010: 393 SSSI / 16 NNR

2014: 405 SSSI / 15 NNR

2010: 4,117 SSSI / 224 NNR

2014: 4,129 SSSI / 224 NNR

Local sites

2009: 28 LNR / >1300 SINC (7%)

2009: 154 LNR

2009: >1,400 LNR

2014: >1,500 LNR

Natural England recommends 1 ha of LNR per 1000 head of population.  This target has not yet been reached but there has been an increase in the number of LNR sites designated at all levels.


Maintain existing sites and seek opportunities for increasing number and status of sites.

2010: 52 LNR / >1300 SINC (7%)

2014: 59 LNR

2010: 163 LNR

2014: 179 LNR

Condition of SSSIs: 'favourable or recovering'

2009: 88.7%

2009: 94.8%

2009: 75%

Nottinghamshire remains below the national and regional average but there has been minor improvement since 2010.   


Maintain and enhance SSSI quality.

2010: 92.4%

2014: 93.81%

2010: 98.08%

2014: 98.42%

2010: 95.82%

2014: 96.2%

Ancient woodland

3,387 ha (1.6%)

25,000 ha (1.6%)

2009: 341,000 ha

No local or regional trend data available.   No change at national level.


Avoid any further losses

2010: 341,000 ha

2014: 341,000 ha

Status of key priority species

2005: 10% Increasing/fluctuating – probably increasing

25% Declining (slowly)/fluctuating –probably declining/declining (continuing/accelerating)

No local or regional data for comparison, but national picture has seen a slight improvement.


No issue identified – avoid damage.

2008: 11% Increasing/fluctuating – probably increasing

22% Declining (slowly)/fluctuating –probably declining/declining (continuing/accelerating)

Status of key priority habitats

2005: 24% Increasing

41% Declining (slowing)/fluctuating – probably declining/declining (continuing/accelerating)

No local or regional data for comparison, but the national picture has worsened.


No issue identified – avoid damage.

2008: 19% Increasing/fluctuating – probably increasing

43% Declining (slowing)/fluctuating – probably declining/declining (continuing/accelerating)


1998: 250 ha

2001: 41,000 ha

Improvement is being made following huge historic loss across the country. Local status is unsure, but LBAP outlines number of improvement schemes that illustrate an increase in cover over the next couple of years. National increase due in large part to better estimation of resources.


Continue improvements in reinstating heathland.

2005: 750 ha

2011: 460 ha

2006: 58,000 ha

2014: 58,000 ha

Landscape and Countryside

Mature Landscape


2009: 9.5%

At current, only local data available and no comparison over time at this level. Require further data for analysis.


Green Belt

2009: 43,010 ha

2012/13: 42,190 ha

2008/09: 78,620 ha

2008/09: 1,638,840 ha

Small decreases at local and national level and no change at regional level. Increase in Green Belt land would see greater protection of open countryside in Nottinghamshire.


2009/10: 78,930 ha

2012/13: 78,930 ha

2009/10: 1,639,560 ha

2012/13: 1,639,090 ha

Historic and Cultural heritage

Grade I or II* Listed Buildings

(% at risk)

2009: 344 (5.8%)

2009: 2.844 (4.6%)

2009: 30,776 (3.1%)

Local and regional situation is considerably worse than national data, with worsening situation in all instances over the last 7 years.


Avoid further damage to Listed Buildings within the County.

2010: 344 (5.8%)   

2017: 357 (10%)

2010: 2,844 (4.6%)

2017: 2,883 (12%)

2010: (3.1%)

2017: 31,279 (7%)

Grade II Listed Buidlings (% at risk)

2010: 4206

2017: 4241 (9%)

Data is not recorded regionally

Data is not recorded nationally

Scheduled Ancient Monuments (% at risk)


2009: 1,509 (8.6%)

2009: 19,719 (17.9%)

Improvement nationally, with little change within the county and region


Avoid further damage to Scheduled Ancient Monuments within the County.

2010: 167 (8.4%)

2017: 158 (9%)

2010: 1,510 (7.7%)

2017: 1551 (9%)

2010: 19,731 (17.2%)

2017: 19,854 (13%)

Conservation Areas (% at risk)

2009: (14.6%)

No data to show comparison between regional and national figures. Improvement within County


2010: 171 (9.9%)

2017: 142 (7%)

2010: 893 (6.2%)

2017: N/A

2010: 9,468 (7.4%)

2017: N/A

Parks and Gardens (% at risk)

2009: 135 (4.4%)

2009: 1,600 (6.0%)

Worsening situation locally, with little change in regional and national figures


Avoid further damage to Parks and Gardens within the County.

2010: 26 (7.7%)

2017: 19 (11%)

2010: 136 (5.1%)

2017: 141 (4%)

2010: 1,606 (6.2%)

2017: 1655 (6%)

Battlefields (% at risk)

2009: 1

2009: 5 (0%)

2009: 43 (16.3%)

2010: 1 (0%)

2017: 1 (0%)

2010: 5 (0%)

2017: 6 (0%)

2010: 43 (14%)

2017: 46 (13%)


No. of days 'moderate' or 'higher' air quality (average per site)

2008: 26 days (urban) 45 days (rural)

National data suggests improvement but allowance should be made for year on year variations/seasonal impacts so no confirmed trend data available.


2009: 10 days (urban) 32 days (rural)

Number of Air Quality Management Areas

2010: 10

2014: 10

(includes Nottingham City)

2010: 53

2014: 487

No comparable data for national or regional picture, no change to the local situation.


No issue identified.  See if any local strategy/targets for reduction.

Co2 emissions  per capita (t)

2005: 8.4

2010: 7.5

2011: 6.8

2012: 7.2

2005: 9.6

2010: 8.3

2011: 7.6

2012: 7.8

2005: 8.5

2010: 7.3

2011: 6.7

2012: 7.0

Data shows some fluctuation but an overall reducing trend over the long term.


Minimise emissions from minerals and waste activities including transport. 

Nox/No2 levels

1999: 168,601 tonnes

1999: 1,358,203 tonnes

No data to compare trends over time or at different geographical levels.


Minimise transport impacts.


Area within Groundwater Source Protection Zones 1-3

2009: 36%

No comparable or trend data available.


Chemical river quality

2005: 92% good or fair

2009: 94% good or fair

2009: 94% good or fair

Slight improvement at local level compared to a significant fall at national level.


Maintain chemical river quality/improve where possible.

2006: 95% good or fair

2010: 94% good or fair

2010: 70% very good or good

Biological river quality

2005: 92% good or fair

2009: 97% good or fair

2009: 95% good or fair

No change to figure at local and regional level, with great improvement at national level. Current situation is not bad, but potential for improvement.


Maintain biological river quality/improve where possible.

2006: 92% good or fair

2010: 97% good or fair

2010: 70% very good or good

Nitrate Vulnerable Zones



All of Nottinghamshire lies within a NVZ. Nitrate levels in groundwater exceed 50mg/1 over a significant area of north Nottinghamshire.


Minimise nitrate impacts (where linked to minerals/ waste development).


Grade 1, 2 and 3a agricultural land

Previous data: 39%

2009: 42%

2012: 42%

National data shows no change in the proportion of high quality agricultural land.


Insufficient data to assess - protect the best and most versatile agricultural land.

Contaminated land

2005: 300,000ha (2%) – England & Wales

2007: 781 sites identified

Only national data available, with no trend comparisons possible due to lack of data.


Insufficient data to assess.


Kyoto greenhouse gas basket (million tonnes Co2 equivalent)

2008:628.3 mt

Climate Change Act 2008 set a 34% reduction by 2020 and 80% reduction by 2050 (on 1990 figures). Improvement in reducing the level of greenhouse gas emission at national level, but local contribution not evident due to lack of data.


2009 (provisional): 574.6 mt

Average temperature

(Regional – Midlands)

2008: 9.7 oC

2008: 9.9 oC

Regional and national increases at same rate, but no local data for comparison. Lack of clarity as to the implications/causes of temperature changes.


2009: 9.8 oC

2012: 9.4 oC

2013: 9.3 oC

2009: 10.0 oC

2012: 9.6 oC

2013: 9.5 oC

Annual rainfall

(Regional – Midlands)

2008: 937.4 mm

2008: 982.1 mm

Regional and national change (decrease) are similar, but no local data for comparison.


2009: 780.6 mm

2012: 1085 mm

2013: 758 mm

2009: 875.0 mm

2012: 1126 mm

2013: 813 mm

Flood risk (no. properties at risk)

20,000 (Greater Nottingham)

Previous data: 125,000+

Previous data: 2,000,000

Date implies that there has been an increase at national and regional level but no local data for comparison.


Minimise impacts on flood risk and vulnerability through appropriate location and design.

Most up-to-date data: 300,000

2008: 2,400,000

New homes built within areas of high flood risk

2008: 10%

2008: 9%

Fluctuating, but improving overall national performance. Decrease at regional level is an improvement, but no recent data for comparison. No local data. Still considerable improvements to be made.


2009: 9%

2009: 11%

2010: 9%

2011: 7%


Total population

(mid-year estimates)

2008: 776,479

2009: 776,600

2008: 4,433,000

2009: 4,451,200

2008: 51,446,000

2009: 51,809,700

Local population growth is marginally less than that seen at the regional and local level.


2012: 790,173

2013: 796,216

2014: 801,400

2015: 805,800

2012: 4,567,731

2013: 4,598,729

2014: 4,637,400

2015: 4,677,000

2012: 53,493,729

2013: 53,865,817

2014: 54,316,600

2015: 54,786,300

No. households

2001: 314,027

2011: 334,303

2001: 1,732,482

2011: 1,895,604

2001: 20,451,427

2011: 22,063,368

No data to show trends over time, see population growth below for future growth predictions.


Population growth

2001-2009: 3.6%

2001-2009: 6.2% (second highest rate of all English regions)

2001-2009: 4.8%

Local future predicted growth is slightly higher than the national and slightly lower than the regional figure. Past trends in the East Midlands show very high growth rates in comparison to the national picture, but no local data for comparison.


2008-2028: 16% predicted

2008-2028: 17% predicted

2008-2028: 15% predicted

Human health

Percentage health,

'good or fairly good' 2001 and 'Very good, good and fair' 2011

2001: 90.2%

2011: 94.0%

2001: 91.0%

2011: 94.4%

2001: 90.9%

2011: 94.5%

Local situation is slightly worse than the national and regional average. No data for comparison over time.


Minimise negative impacts on human health.

Percentage health not good

2001: 9.8%

2011: 6%

2001: 9.0%

2011: 5.6%

2001: 9.1%

2011: 5.5%

Local situation is slightly better than the national and regional average. No data for comparison over time.


Minimise negative impacts on human health.

Average life expectancy at birth: Male

2003-2005: 77.7 years

2005-2007: 77.60 years

2005-2007: 77.65 years

Regional and local averages are in line with national figure (with local figures rising above the national figure) and all show improvement over time.


Minimise negative impacts on human health.

2006-2008: 78.1 years

2007-2009: 78.4 years

2009-2011: 79.0 years

2010-2012: 79.3 years

2011-2013: 79.6 years

2006-2008: 77.84 years

2007-2009: 78.1 years

2006-2008: 77.93 years

2007-2009: 78.3 years

Average life expectancy at birth: Female

2003-2005: 81 years

2005-2007: 81.60 years

2005-2007: 81.81 years

Regional and local averages are in line with national figure (generally slightly below) and all show improvement over time.


Minimise negative impacts on human health.

2006-2008: 82 years

2007-2009: Not available

2008-2010: 82.3 years

2009-2011: 79.0 years

2010-2012: 79.3 years

2011-2013: 79.6 years

2006-2008: 81.81 years

2007-2009: 82.1 years

2006-2008: 82.02 years

2007-2009: 82.3 years

Sustainable Communities and Quality of Life

Light pollution

(% at or above  8 nanowatts/cm²/ steradian)

2016: 15.2% (37th out of 41 counties)

2016: 7.1% (3rd out of 9 regions)

2016: 9.1%

Light pollution figures in Nottinghamshire are higher than regional and national figures. The county is ranked as one of the 5 counties worst affected by light pollution.


Economy and Employment

Unemployment rate

2009: 3.5%

2009: 4.1%

2009: 4.2%

Recent fluctuations reflecting wider economic circumstances. Following period where local averages remained consistently below regional and national figures, local figures now unfavourable in comparison to regional and national figures.


Seek provision of jobs and improvement to job market and employability where possible.

2010: 2.8%

2011: 6.2%

2012: 7.6%

2013: 7.9%

2014: 7.6%

2015: 5.4%

2016: 4.9%

2017: 4.3%

2010: 3.2%

2011: 7.4%

2012: 8.0%

2013: 7.7%

2014: 7.1%

2015: 4.6%

2016: 4.5%

2017: 4.0%

2010: 3.5%

2011: 7.6%

2012: 8.1%

2013: 7.8%

2014: 7.2%

2015: 4.6%

2016: 4.5%

2017: 4.0%

Employment in minerals industry

2001: 0.25%

2001: 0.42%

2001: 0.77%

Proposition employed in this sector has declined over time although local level remains marginally higher than national average .Significant drop in number employed in mining and quarrying locally since 2011.


2003: 0.7%

2011: 0.5%

2015: 0.3%

2003: No data

2011: 0.3%

2015: 0.3%

2003: No data

2011: 0.2%

2015: 0.2%

2016: 0.1%

Active Businesses

2007: 24,945

2007: 157,270

2007: 1,987,590

General trend of increases at all levels post 2011


Promote opportunities for business prosperity.

2008: 25,170

2009: 25,150

2008: 158,000

2009: 158,000

2008: 2,024,900

2009: 2,040,150

2010: 29,010

2011: 28,350

2012: 28,830

2013: 28,850

2014: 29,935

2015: 33,080

2010: 143,130

2011: 140,945


2013: 145,295

2014: 151,770

2015: 164,690

2016: 172,700

Business Births

2009: 3,230

2010: 3,055

2011: 3,340

2012: 3,370

2013: 4,515

2014: 4,440

2015: 5,240

2009: 15,000

2010: 14,325

2011: 16,055

2012: 16,625

2013: 22,035

2014: 22,035

2015: 25,345

2009: 209,030

2010: 219:030

2011: 202.365

2012: 221,780

2013: 209,525

2014: 217,175

2015: 223,120

Clear upward trend since 2010 at all levels.


Promote opportunities for business creation.

Business Deaths

2009: 4,050

2009: 18,620

2009:No data

General downward trend in County but recent marginal increases in City and at regional and national level.


2010: 3,575

2011: 3,335

2012: 3,455

2013: 3,195

2014: 3,280

2015: 3,255

2010: 16,645

2011: 15,025

2012: 16,210

2013: 15,105

2014: 15,705

2015: 16,040

2010: 219, 030

2011: 202, 365

2012: 221, 780

2013: 209,525

2014: 217,175

2015: 223,120


Aggregate mineral carried by road

2007: 200,000,000 tonnes (GB)

Decrease in tonnage carried by road brings benefits in terms of reduced emissions and disturbance to communities. However, when comparing these figures to those of rail and water transport, it would indicate that this reduction is not through use of alternative methods of transportation, but due to an overall reduction in tonnage to be transported.


Seek alternatives to road transport where possible.

2008: 180,000,000 tonnes (GB)

Aggregate mineral carried by rail

2007: 15,100,000 tonnes (GB)

2008: 13,000,000 tonnes (GB)

2011: 9.6%

2012: 9.9%

Aggregate mineral carried by inland waterway

2007: 1,000,000 tonnes (GB)

2008: 1,000,000 tonnes (GB)

Average aggregate road delivery distance

2007: 35 km (GB)

Data shows negative trend over time, with increased road distances and reduced rail and water distances. However, data does not show total distance travelled by each method. The lesser distances for rail and water may be a reflection of an increased number of journeys, but over shorter distances.


Seek alternatives to road transport where possible.

2008: 38 km (GB)

2011: 43.3km

2012: 44.2km

Average aggregate rail delivery distance

2007: 144 km (GB)

2008: 126 km (GB)

Average aggregate barge delivery distance

2007: 49 km (GB)

2008: 37 km (GB)

Land use

Derelict land

2008: 156 ha (0.07%)

2008: 1,790 ha (0.11%)

2007: 16,790 ha (0.07%)

Limited local data would indicate that it is line with the national figure and better than the regional average. But lack of data over time means further data is needed for full analysis. 


2007: 1,888 ha (0.12%)

2008: 15,470 ha (0.06%)

Brownfield land

2008: 196 ha (0.09%)

2008: 1,090 ha (0.07%)

2007: 12,710 ha (0.05%)

No data for comparison over time at local and regional level. Minor increase nationally.


2008: 12,960 ha (0.05%)


Electricity consumption: domestic

2007: 1,467 GWh

2007: 8,518 GWh

2007: 117,126 GWh

Reduced consumption at local, regional and national level, all with similar percentage decreases. Potential for further improvements.


Maintain consumption reductions. 

2008: 1,391 GWh

2010: 1,398 GWh

2011: 1,375 GWh

2008: 8,095 GWh

2010: 8,109 GWh

2011: 7,985 GWh

2008: 112,531 GWh

2010: 95,863 GWh

2011: 94,648 GWh

Gas consumption: domestic

2007 5,731 GWh

2007: 29,878 GWh

2007: 391,441 GWh

Reduced consumption at local, regional and national level, all with similar percentage decreases. Potential for further improvements.


Maintain consumption reductions. 

2008: 5,495 GWh

2010: 5,032 GWh

2011: 4,761 GWh

2008: 28,750 GWh

2010: 26,449 GWh

2011: 25,007 GWh

2008: 377,473 GWh

2010: 297,407 GWh

2011: 280,025 GWh

Renewable energy consumption (tonnes oil equivalent)

2006: 4,000 tonnes

2006: 82,000 tonnes

2006: 601,500 tonnes

No recent data for adequate comparison.


2007: 5,000 tonnes

2007: 106,600 tonnes

2007: 781,600 tonnes

Renewable energy production

2008: 929 GWh

2009: 1,576 GWh

2010: 1,565 GWh

2011: 1,651 GWh

2008: 10,425 GWh

2009: 12,008 GWh

2010: 13,864 GWh

2011: 17,658 GWh

Increased production at regional and national level. No local data for comparison.


No issue identified – support continued increase in renewable energy production

Water consumption: average domestic

2007/08: 133 l/person/day

2007/08: 133 l/person/day

2007/08: 145 l/person/day

Reduced consumption at local, regional and national level, all with similar percentage decreases. Potential for further improvements.


Maintain consumption reductions. 

2008/09: 128 l/person/day

2008/09: 128 l/person/day

2008/09: 143 l/person/day


Sand and gravel


2007: 8.9 million tonnes

2007: 67.1 million tonnes

Production has continued to decrease at all levels.  Local production is below 10 year average. Local landbank has risen above minimum 7 year requirement.


Landbank now above the minimum 7 year requirement.

2008: 2.37 million tonnes

2009: 1.27 million tonnes

2010: 1.56 million tonnes

2011: 1.71 million tonnes

2012: 1.55 million tonnes

2013: 1.39 million tonnes

2014: 1.43 million tonnes

2015: 1.52 million tonnes

2016: 1.27 million tonnes

2008: 7.5 million tonnes

2009: 5.5 million tonnes

2010: 5.8 million tonnes

2011: 6.2 million tonnes

2012: 5.9 million tonnes

2013: 6.0 million tonnes

2014: 6.7 million tonnes

2015: 6.9 million tonnes

2016: 7.0 million tonnes

2008: 61.7 million tonnes

2009: 46.5 million tonnes

2010: 45.3 million tonnes

2011: 47.0 million tonnes

2012: 42.9 million tonnes

2013: 45.7 million tonnes

Landbank (permitted reserves)


2012: 17.8  million tonnes

2013: 17.8  million tonnes

2014: 16.46 million tonnes

2015: 17.96 million tonnes

2016: 17.5 million tonnes


2008: 8.04 years

2009: 7.9 years

2011: 7.3 years

2012: 6.7 years

2013: 7.9 years

2014: 8.03 years

2015: 9.5 years

2016: 10.3 years


2.65 million tonnes

Demand forecast/10 year average

2011: 2.58 million tonnes

2012: 2.43 million tonnes

2013: 2.24 million tonnes

2014: 2.05 million tonnes

2015: 1.89 million tonnes

2016: 1.70 million tonnes

3 year average production

2011: 1.51 million tonnes

2012: 1.61 million tonnes

2013: 1.55 million tonnes

2014: 1.46 million tonnes

2015: 1.45 million tonnes

2016: 1.40 million tonnes

CO2 produced per tonne of sand and gravel

No local data

No local data

2007: 3.98kg/CO2 per tonne (GB)

2008: 4.28kg/CO2 per tonne (GB)

2011: 5.2 kg/tonne

2012: 3.7 kg/tonne

National fluctuations, although with an overall downward trend. No comparable local data.


Seek continued improvement in reduction of CO2 production.

Sherwood Sandstone


2006: 0.50 million tonnes

2007: 0.55 million tonnes

2008: 0.45 million tonnes

2009: 0.32 million tonnes

2010: 0.32 million tonnes

2011: 0.35 million tonnes

2012: 0.36 million tonnes

2013: 0.34 million tonnes

2014: 0.34 million tonnes

2015: 0.38 million tonnes

2016: 0.32 million tonnes

Landbank shows slight reduction but is well above 7 year minimum requirement.  Local production remains below the apportionment level.

Increased landbank due to lower average/demand forecast not new permitted reserves.


Current reserves are adequate but longer term replacements will be needed during life of next plan.  Production levels are low but this is likely to reflect recession.

Landbank (permitted reserves)

2011: No data

2012: 6.29 million tonnes

2013: 6.0 million tonnes

2014: 5.95 million tonnes

2015: 5.43 million tonnes

2016: 3.7 million tonnes


2008: 13.1 years

2009: 13 years

2010: No data

2011: 9.8 years

2012: 9.0 years

2013: 14.3 years

2014: 14.87 years

2015: 13.92 years

2016: 10 years


0.7 million tonnes

Demand forecast /10 year average

2011: 0.46 million tonnes

2012: 0.44 million tonnes

2013: 0.42 million tonnes

2014: 0.40 million tonnes

2015: 0.39 million tonnes

3 year average production

2011: 0.33 million tonnes

2012: 0.34 million tonnes

2013: 0.35 million tonnes

2014: 0.35 million tonnes

2015: 0.37 million tonnes



2007: 0.14 million tonnes

2008: 0.024 million tonnes

2009: 0.015 million tonnes

2010: 0.001 million tonnes

2011: 0.001 million tonnes

2012: 0.001 million tonnes

2013: 0.001 million tonnes

2014: 0.001 million tonnes

2015: 0.001 million tonnes

2016: 0.001 million tonnes

2007: 22.0 million tonnes

2008: 19.0 million tonnes

2009: 15.0 million tonnes

2010: 15.7 million tonnes

2011: 18.1 million tonnes

2012: 16.3 million tonnes


2007: 67.4 million tonnes

2008: 60.7 million tonnes

2009: 48.8 million tonnes

2010: 47.6 million tonnes

2011: 49.8 million tonnes

2012: 47.0 million tonnes

Rise in landbank and production decreasing at all levels, consistent with national trend. Local production is below the local apportionment.  


Landbank is now far over the 10 year minimum.

Landbank (permitted reserves)

2011: 3.3 million tonnes

2012: 3.3 million tonnes

2013: 3.3 million tonnes

2014: 3.3 million tonnes

2015: 3.34 million tonnes

2016: 3.34 million tonnes


2008: 12 years

2009: 13.1 years

2011: 12.7 years

2012: 12.5 years

2013: 66.0 years

2014: 66.8 years

2015: 111 years

2016: 668 years


0.267 million tonnes

Demand forecast /10 years average

2011: 0.08 million tonnes

2012: 0.06 million tonnes

2013: 0.05 million tonnes

2014: 0.03 million tonnes

2015: 0.02 million tonnes

2016: 0.005 million tonnes

3 year average production

2011: 0.00 million tonnes

2012: 0.00 million tonnes

2013: 0.00 million tonnes

2014: 0.00 million tonnes

2015: 0.00 million tonnes

2016: 0.00 million tonnes

Building Stone


No local data

No regional data

2008: 1.1 million tonnes

(UK figure)

2009: 1.4 million tonnes

(UK figure)

2010: 2.1 million tonnes

(UK figure)

2011: 0.7 million tonnes

(UK figure)

2012: 1.0 million tonnes

(UK figure)

No target/landbank. Fluctuations at national level. Nottinghamshire is a small producer of building stone.


Future requirements uncertain

Silica Sand


No data

No data

2007: 4.3 million tonnes

No data at local and regional level due to confidentiality.

Landbank (calculated from permitted extraction rate and estimated reserve remaining) is approximated to be at least 33.8 years, well above the 10 year requirement.


Landbank above 10 year minimum.

2008: 4.2 million tonnes

2009: 3.3 million tonnes

2010: 3.6 million tonnes

2011: 3.5 million tonnes

2012: 3.4 million tonnes

Permitted Extraction Rate

0.37 million tonnes per annum

Reserve available

12.5 million tonnes



2007: 0 million tonnes

2007: 1.8 million tonnes

2007: 9.3 million tonnes

Limited local data for comparison. Fluctuations at regional and national production, but overall decrease in production.  Landbank well below recommended 25yrs.


Additional reserves will be required.

2008: 0 million tonnes

2012: 0.2 million tonnes

2008: 1.6 million tonnes

2009: 0.9 million tonnes

2010: 1.2 million tonnes

2011: 0.9 million tonnes

2012: 0.8 million tonnes

2008: 7.7 million tonnes

2009: 4.7 million tonnes

2010: 5.4 million tonnes

2011: 5.9 million tonnes

2012: 5.3 million tonnes


2009: 13-14 years per brickworks

2010: 12-13 years per brickworks

2011: 12 years per brickworks

2012: 12 years per brickworks


Coal production

2008: 1.8 million tonnes

2009: 1.8 million tonnes

2010: 1.7 million tonnes

2011: 1.3 million tonnes

2012: 1.2 million tonnes

2013: 1.4 million tonnes

2008: 2.3 million tonnes

2009: 2.6 million tonnes

2010: 2.4 million tonnes

2011: 1.7 million tonnes

2012: 1.4 million tonnes

2013: 2.2 million tonnes

2008: 10.0 million tonnes

2009: 9.5 million tonnes

2010: 10.0 million tonnes

2011: 10.2 million tonnes

2012: 9.0 million tonnes

2103: 7.4 million tonnes

No target/landbank. Fluctuations in production at all levels. Local and regional decreases until 2013, which saw an increase. Greater fluctuations at national level, but with overall decrease over longer term.

No data available beyond 2013.


Oil & Gas

Oil production

(National – UK)

No local data

2010: 58.0 million tonnes

2011: 48.6 million tonnes

2012: 42.1 million tonnes

No target/landbank. General decrease at national level.


No issue identified.

Gas production

(National – UK)


2010: 57.2 million tonnes

2011: 45.3 million tonnes

2012: 39.0 million tonnes

No target/landbank. General decrease at national level.

No issue identified.

Recycled Aggregates

Recycled/ secondary aggregates in GB market

No local data

No regional data

2007: 25%

National market share has been slowly increasing over the past 20 years.


Insufficient data available at local and regional level.

2008: 25%

2013: 29%


Gypsum production

(National – UK)

No local data available

No regional data available

2008: 1.2 million tonnes

2009: 1.2 million tonnes

2010: 1.2 million tonnes

2011: 1.2 million tonnes

2012: 1.2 million tonnes

No target/landbank. Steady production at national level. No local data for reasons of disclosure.


Additional reserves likely to be required in longer term

"+" indicator is on target/shows improvement where no target recorded

"?" indicator is slightly below target or is slightly below national/regional average

"!" indicator is significantly below target/has got worse

"n/a" insufficient data to assess/no issue identified

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