Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Ended on the 28 September 2018
Appendix 1: Information required in support of planning applications
Sufficient information will be required to enable a balanced assessment of all relevant factors. The County Council's Guidance Note on the Validation of Planning Applications sets out in detailed the information required in support of planning applications. Information required includes:
Statutory national information requirements:
- Planning application form
- Application fee
- Ownership certificates
- Agricultural land declaration
- Location plan
- Site plan
- Other plans
- Updated and superseded plans
- Design and access statement
Local information requirements:
- Supporting planning statement
- Environmental statement
- Transport assessment
- Draft travel plans
- Planning obligations – draft heads of terms
- Flood risk assessment
- Land contamination survey
- Tree survey/arboriculture implications
- Heritage impact assessment
- Archaeological assessment
- Biodiversity and geodiversity assessment
- Noise assessment
- Air quality assessment
- Sunlight/daylighting/lighting assessment
- Statement of community involvement
- Sustainability appraisal
- Right of way
- Landscape and visual impact assessment
- Land stability/coal mining risk assessment
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