Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

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Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

Q22 Are you aware of any other issues relating to building stone provision that should be considered through the Minerals Local Plan review?

Representation ID: 30515

Received: 13/01/2018

Respondent: Historic England (East Midlands)

Representation Summary:

Historic England is not aware at this stage of any further issues that should be considered.



Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

Q23 Are you aware of any issues relating to coal extraction that should be considered through the Minerals Local Plan review?

Representation ID: 30516

Received: 13/01/2018

Respondent: Historic England (East Midlands)

Representation Summary:

Historic England is not aware at this stage of any further issues that should be considered.



Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

Q24 Are you aware of any issues relating to hydrocarbon extraction that should be considered through the Minerals Local Plan review?

Representation ID: 30517

Received: 13/01/2018

Respondent: Historic England (East Midlands)

Representation Summary:

Historic England is not aware at this stage of any further issues that should be considered. The proposed criteria based policy for hydrocarbons is noted.



Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

Q25 Do you agree with the proposed development management policy areas? Are there any others that should be covered?

Representation ID: 30518

Received: 13/01/2018

Respondent: Historic England (East Midlands)

Representation Summary:

Historic England supports the inclusion of 'Landscape Character' and 'Historic Environment' policy topics.



Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

Q26 Are you aware of any issues relating to minerals safeguarding that should be considered through the Minerals Local Plan review?

Representation ID: 30519

Received: 13/01/2018

Respondent: Historic England (East Midlands)

Representation Summary:

Historic England is not aware at this stage of any further issues that should be considered.


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