Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation
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Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation
Q1 Do you think any further information should be included in the overview of the area?
Representation ID: 30481
Received: 12/01/2018
Respondent: Bolsover District Council
Paragraph 3 of the overview of the plan area refers to the network of important sites for nature conservation in the county. It would be useful if this could be balanced by a reference to the historic environment in the form of the many historic buildings; Scheduled Ancient Monuments; and historic landscape areas of the county, many of which are in the Countryside.
Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan - Issues and Options Consultation
Dear Sir
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Issues and Options Consultation on the
Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan. The following comments are made at officer level in
consultation with the Chair of Planning Committee, and are limited to considering where the
proposed strategy may have cross border implications. It is anticipated that the Derbyshire
Minerals authority (i.e. Derbyshire County Council) will comment on other issues raised by
the consultation.
At this stage of the Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan, the key concern of Bolsover
Council is the protection of Creswell Crags, and its wider setting. Creswell Crags is one of the
most important archaeological and geological sites in Britain. This is reflected in its status as:
part of a Conservation Area; a Site of Special Scientific Interest; a Scheduled Ancient
Monument; and part of a grade 2 designation on the National Register of Parks and Gardens
of Special Historic Interest. In addition Creswell Crags is on the UK tentative list of potential
Word Heritage Sites;
Whilst is acknowledged that industrial dolomite is a scarce resource, Creswell Crags is clearly
a site of international importance. In addition, unlike many other forms of minerals
workings any disturbance to this important site or its setting could not be remedied by the
imposition of aftercare conditions.
Turning to our comments on specific questions in the consultation:
Overview of the Plan Area
Question 1 Do you think that any further information should be included in the
overview of the area?
Paragraph 3 of the overview of the Plan area refers to the network of important sites
for nature conservation in the county. It would be useful if this could be balanced by a
reference to the historic environment in the form of the many historic buildings;
Scheduled Ancient Monuments; and historic landscape areas in the county, many of
which (including Creswell Crags) are in the countryside.
Draft Vision
Question 2 Do you agree with the draft vision? Are there other things we should
Paragraph 3 of the draft vision states 'Within geological constraints, mineral
development... It is suggested the sentence is widened to read 'Within geological and
other significant constraints, mineral development... to highlight that geological
constraints are not the only constraints on sites being developed for mineral workings.
Key Strategic Issues
Question 3 Are the above strategic issues appropriate? Are there others we should
The third strategic issue is to minimise impacts on communities. It is suggested that this
be expanded to include a reference to minimise impacts on key historic sites in the
Industrial Dolomite Provision
Question 20 Are you aware of any issues regarding the provision of industrial dolomite
that should be considered as part of the Minerals Local Plan review?
Bolsover Council supports the final paragraph of this section of the consultation which
acknowledges the importance of Creswell Crags; and also the associated Plan 5 which
clearly shows the extent of the Scheduled Ancient Monument designation.
Development Management Policies
Question 25 Do you agree with the proposed development management policy areas?
Are there any others that should be covered?
Bolsover Council supports the proposals to have development management policies on
landscape character, and the historic environment, and look forward to commenting on
these in greater detail at later stages of the Plan's development.
We hope that the above observations are helpful in preparing the next stage of your Local
Plan, but please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to discuss them in further
Yours faithfully
Helen Fairfax
Joint Planning Policy Manager
Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation
Q2 Do you agree with the draft vision? Are there other things we should include?
Representation ID: 30482
Received: 12/01/2018
Respondent: Bolsover District Council
Paragraph 3 of draft vision states ' Within geological constraints, mineral development... ' i is suggested the sentence is widened to read 'within geological and other significant constraints, mineral development' to highlight that geological constraints are not the only constraints on sites being developed for mineral working.
Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan - Issues and Options Consultation
Dear Sir
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Issues and Options Consultation on the
Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan. The following comments are made at officer level in
consultation with the Chair of Planning Committee, and are limited to considering where the
proposed strategy may have cross border implications. It is anticipated that the Derbyshire
Minerals authority (i.e. Derbyshire County Council) will comment on other issues raised by
the consultation.
At this stage of the Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan, the key concern of Bolsover
Council is the protection of Creswell Crags, and its wider setting. Creswell Crags is one of the
most important archaeological and geological sites in Britain. This is reflected in its status as:
part of a Conservation Area; a Site of Special Scientific Interest; a Scheduled Ancient
Monument; and part of a grade 2 designation on the National Register of Parks and Gardens
of Special Historic Interest. In addition Creswell Crags is on the UK tentative list of potential
Word Heritage Sites;
Whilst is acknowledged that industrial dolomite is a scarce resource, Creswell Crags is clearly
a site of international importance. In addition, unlike many other forms of minerals
workings any disturbance to this important site or its setting could not be remedied by the
imposition of aftercare conditions.
Turning to our comments on specific questions in the consultation:
Overview of the Plan Area
Question 1 Do you think that any further information should be included in the
overview of the area?
Paragraph 3 of the overview of the Plan area refers to the network of important sites
for nature conservation in the county. It would be useful if this could be balanced by a
reference to the historic environment in the form of the many historic buildings;
Scheduled Ancient Monuments; and historic landscape areas in the county, many of
which (including Creswell Crags) are in the countryside.
Draft Vision
Question 2 Do you agree with the draft vision? Are there other things we should
Paragraph 3 of the draft vision states 'Within geological constraints, mineral
development... It is suggested the sentence is widened to read 'Within geological and
other significant constraints, mineral development... to highlight that geological
constraints are not the only constraints on sites being developed for mineral workings.
Key Strategic Issues
Question 3 Are the above strategic issues appropriate? Are there others we should
The third strategic issue is to minimise impacts on communities. It is suggested that this
be expanded to include a reference to minimise impacts on key historic sites in the
Industrial Dolomite Provision
Question 20 Are you aware of any issues regarding the provision of industrial dolomite
that should be considered as part of the Minerals Local Plan review?
Bolsover Council supports the final paragraph of this section of the consultation which
acknowledges the importance of Creswell Crags; and also the associated Plan 5 which
clearly shows the extent of the Scheduled Ancient Monument designation.
Development Management Policies
Question 25 Do you agree with the proposed development management policy areas?
Are there any others that should be covered?
Bolsover Council supports the proposals to have development management policies on
landscape character, and the historic environment, and look forward to commenting on
these in greater detail at later stages of the Plan's development.
We hope that the above observations are helpful in preparing the next stage of your Local
Plan, but please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to discuss them in further
Yours faithfully
Helen Fairfax
Joint Planning Policy Manager
Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation
Q3 Are the above strategic issues appropriate? Are there others we should consider?
Representation ID: 30483
Received: 12/01/2018
Respondent: Bolsover District Council
The third strategic issue is to minimise impacts on communities. It isa suggested that this be expanded to include a reference to minimise impacts on key historic sites in the country.
Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan - Issues and Options Consultation
Dear Sir
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Issues and Options Consultation on the
Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan. The following comments are made at officer level in
consultation with the Chair of Planning Committee, and are limited to considering where the
proposed strategy may have cross border implications. It is anticipated that the Derbyshire
Minerals authority (i.e. Derbyshire County Council) will comment on other issues raised by
the consultation.
At this stage of the Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan, the key concern of Bolsover
Council is the protection of Creswell Crags, and its wider setting. Creswell Crags is one of the
most important archaeological and geological sites in Britain. This is reflected in its status as:
part of a Conservation Area; a Site of Special Scientific Interest; a Scheduled Ancient
Monument; and part of a grade 2 designation on the National Register of Parks and Gardens
of Special Historic Interest. In addition Creswell Crags is on the UK tentative list of potential
Word Heritage Sites;
Whilst is acknowledged that industrial dolomite is a scarce resource, Creswell Crags is clearly
a site of international importance. In addition, unlike many other forms of minerals
workings any disturbance to this important site or its setting could not be remedied by the
imposition of aftercare conditions.
Turning to our comments on specific questions in the consultation:
Overview of the Plan Area
Question 1 Do you think that any further information should be included in the
overview of the area?
Paragraph 3 of the overview of the Plan area refers to the network of important sites
for nature conservation in the county. It would be useful if this could be balanced by a
reference to the historic environment in the form of the many historic buildings;
Scheduled Ancient Monuments; and historic landscape areas in the county, many of
which (including Creswell Crags) are in the countryside.
Draft Vision
Question 2 Do you agree with the draft vision? Are there other things we should
Paragraph 3 of the draft vision states 'Within geological constraints, mineral
development... It is suggested the sentence is widened to read 'Within geological and
other significant constraints, mineral development... to highlight that geological
constraints are not the only constraints on sites being developed for mineral workings.
Key Strategic Issues
Question 3 Are the above strategic issues appropriate? Are there others we should
The third strategic issue is to minimise impacts on communities. It is suggested that this
be expanded to include a reference to minimise impacts on key historic sites in the
Industrial Dolomite Provision
Question 20 Are you aware of any issues regarding the provision of industrial dolomite
that should be considered as part of the Minerals Local Plan review?
Bolsover Council supports the final paragraph of this section of the consultation which
acknowledges the importance of Creswell Crags; and also the associated Plan 5 which
clearly shows the extent of the Scheduled Ancient Monument designation.
Development Management Policies
Question 25 Do you agree with the proposed development management policy areas?
Are there any others that should be covered?
Bolsover Council supports the proposals to have development management policies on
landscape character, and the historic environment, and look forward to commenting on
these in greater detail at later stages of the Plan's development.
We hope that the above observations are helpful in preparing the next stage of your Local
Plan, but please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to discuss them in further
Yours faithfully
Helen Fairfax
Joint Planning Policy Manager
Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation
Q20 Are you aware of any issues regarding the provision of industrial dolomite that should be considered as part of the Minerals Local Plan review?
Representation ID: 30484
Received: 12/01/2018
Respondent: Bolsover District Council
Bolsover Council supports the final paragraph of this section of the consultation which acknowledges the importance of Creswell Crags; and also the associated Plan 5 which clearly shows the extent of the Scheduled Ancient Monument designation.
Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan - Issues and Options Consultation
Dear Sir
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Issues and Options Consultation on the
Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan. The following comments are made at officer level in
consultation with the Chair of Planning Committee, and are limited to considering where the
proposed strategy may have cross border implications. It is anticipated that the Derbyshire
Minerals authority (i.e. Derbyshire County Council) will comment on other issues raised by
the consultation.
At this stage of the Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan, the key concern of Bolsover
Council is the protection of Creswell Crags, and its wider setting. Creswell Crags is one of the
most important archaeological and geological sites in Britain. This is reflected in its status as:
part of a Conservation Area; a Site of Special Scientific Interest; a Scheduled Ancient
Monument; and part of a grade 2 designation on the National Register of Parks and Gardens
of Special Historic Interest. In addition Creswell Crags is on the UK tentative list of potential
Word Heritage Sites;
Whilst is acknowledged that industrial dolomite is a scarce resource, Creswell Crags is clearly
a site of international importance. In addition, unlike many other forms of minerals
workings any disturbance to this important site or its setting could not be remedied by the
imposition of aftercare conditions.
Turning to our comments on specific questions in the consultation:
Overview of the Plan Area
Question 1 Do you think that any further information should be included in the
overview of the area?
Paragraph 3 of the overview of the Plan area refers to the network of important sites
for nature conservation in the county. It would be useful if this could be balanced by a
reference to the historic environment in the form of the many historic buildings;
Scheduled Ancient Monuments; and historic landscape areas in the county, many of
which (including Creswell Crags) are in the countryside.
Draft Vision
Question 2 Do you agree with the draft vision? Are there other things we should
Paragraph 3 of the draft vision states 'Within geological constraints, mineral
development... It is suggested the sentence is widened to read 'Within geological and
other significant constraints, mineral development... to highlight that geological
constraints are not the only constraints on sites being developed for mineral workings.
Key Strategic Issues
Question 3 Are the above strategic issues appropriate? Are there others we should
The third strategic issue is to minimise impacts on communities. It is suggested that this
be expanded to include a reference to minimise impacts on key historic sites in the
Industrial Dolomite Provision
Question 20 Are you aware of any issues regarding the provision of industrial dolomite
that should be considered as part of the Minerals Local Plan review?
Bolsover Council supports the final paragraph of this section of the consultation which
acknowledges the importance of Creswell Crags; and also the associated Plan 5 which
clearly shows the extent of the Scheduled Ancient Monument designation.
Development Management Policies
Question 25 Do you agree with the proposed development management policy areas?
Are there any others that should be covered?
Bolsover Council supports the proposals to have development management policies on
landscape character, and the historic environment, and look forward to commenting on
these in greater detail at later stages of the Plan's development.
We hope that the above observations are helpful in preparing the next stage of your Local
Plan, but please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to discuss them in further
Yours faithfully
Helen Fairfax
Joint Planning Policy Manager
Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation
Q25 Do you agree with the proposed development management policy areas? Are there any others that should be covered?
Representation ID: 30485
Received: 12/01/2018
Respondent: Bolsover District Council
Bolsover Council supports the proposals to have development management policies on landscape character, and the historic environment, and look forward to commenting on these in greater detail at later stages of the Plan's development.
Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan - Issues and Options Consultation
Dear Sir
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Issues and Options Consultation on the
Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan. The following comments are made at officer level in
consultation with the Chair of Planning Committee, and are limited to considering where the
proposed strategy may have cross border implications. It is anticipated that the Derbyshire
Minerals authority (i.e. Derbyshire County Council) will comment on other issues raised by
the consultation.
At this stage of the Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan, the key concern of Bolsover
Council is the protection of Creswell Crags, and its wider setting. Creswell Crags is one of the
most important archaeological and geological sites in Britain. This is reflected in its status as:
part of a Conservation Area; a Site of Special Scientific Interest; a Scheduled Ancient
Monument; and part of a grade 2 designation on the National Register of Parks and Gardens
of Special Historic Interest. In addition Creswell Crags is on the UK tentative list of potential
Word Heritage Sites;
Whilst is acknowledged that industrial dolomite is a scarce resource, Creswell Crags is clearly
a site of international importance. In addition, unlike many other forms of minerals
workings any disturbance to this important site or its setting could not be remedied by the
imposition of aftercare conditions.
Turning to our comments on specific questions in the consultation:
Overview of the Plan Area
Question 1 Do you think that any further information should be included in the
overview of the area?
Paragraph 3 of the overview of the Plan area refers to the network of important sites
for nature conservation in the county. It would be useful if this could be balanced by a
reference to the historic environment in the form of the many historic buildings;
Scheduled Ancient Monuments; and historic landscape areas in the county, many of
which (including Creswell Crags) are in the countryside.
Draft Vision
Question 2 Do you agree with the draft vision? Are there other things we should
Paragraph 3 of the draft vision states 'Within geological constraints, mineral
development... It is suggested the sentence is widened to read 'Within geological and
other significant constraints, mineral development... to highlight that geological
constraints are not the only constraints on sites being developed for mineral workings.
Key Strategic Issues
Question 3 Are the above strategic issues appropriate? Are there others we should
The third strategic issue is to minimise impacts on communities. It is suggested that this
be expanded to include a reference to minimise impacts on key historic sites in the
Industrial Dolomite Provision
Question 20 Are you aware of any issues regarding the provision of industrial dolomite
that should be considered as part of the Minerals Local Plan review?
Bolsover Council supports the final paragraph of this section of the consultation which
acknowledges the importance of Creswell Crags; and also the associated Plan 5 which
clearly shows the extent of the Scheduled Ancient Monument designation.
Development Management Policies
Question 25 Do you agree with the proposed development management policy areas?
Are there any others that should be covered?
Bolsover Council supports the proposals to have development management policies on
landscape character, and the historic environment, and look forward to commenting on
these in greater detail at later stages of the Plan's development.
We hope that the above observations are helpful in preparing the next stage of your Local
Plan, but please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to discuss them in further
Yours faithfully
Helen Fairfax
Joint Planning Policy Manager