Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

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Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

Q1 Do you think any further information should be included in the overview of the area?

Representation ID: 30389

Received: 14/01/2018

Respondent: Gotham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

There must therefore be careful analysis of the existing ecological and development value of potential sites and due weight given to their value before extraction and less on how the sites may be returned after extraction has finished.

Full text:

Yes. Reference is made to the extraction of gypsum. Gotham was a gypsum mining village and while it holds no strategic importance for gypsum mining now, some works remain here and in nearby East Leake and British Gypsum are still a local employer, though not of course at the levels of when the village mines were active. It is important however to learn from the legacy. Several of the old works sites have been allowed to return to a wild state and have been classified as green field rather than brown field. Furthermore with the presence of gypsum spoil the soil quality is poor which has encouraged the growth of local flora that is not choked by the invasive species that would flourish in rich soil. This has led to some of these old works sites as being registered as SSSI, and others recognised by agencies such as the Nottinghamshire Grassland and the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust for preservation. This is a double edged sword in that while it preserves interesting and valuable flora it has removed what are ugly and well situated housing development sites from consideration by the planning authority. This puts further pressure on less well situated and otherwise valuable green field sites to be developed instead.


Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

Q2 Do you agree with the draft vision? Are there other things we should include?

Representation ID: 30390

Received: 14/01/2018

Respondent: Gotham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Yes, however as with all such 'visions' there are difficult balances to be struck throughout. We would like to see Neighbourhood Plans incorporated in your Local Policy.

Full text:

Yes, however as with all such 'visions' there are difficult balances to be struck throughout. We would like to see Neighbourhood Plans incorporated in your Local Policy.


Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

Q3 Are the above strategic issues appropriate? Are there others we should consider?

Representation ID: 30391

Received: 14/01/2018

Respondent: Gotham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

No. The supply and demand of aggregates must be carefully and transparently assessed. Also the impact on local communities must be strengthened and sustainable modes of transport used where possible.

Full text:

No. The supply and demand of aggregates must be carefully and transparently assessed. Also the impact on local communities must be strengthened and sustainable modes of transport used where possible.


Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

Q4 Do you think the average 10 year sales figure is the most suitable methodology for forecasting future demand in Nottinghamshire? If not please identify any alternatives

Representation ID: 30392

Received: 14/01/2018

Respondent: Gotham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

No. The figures do not include the contribution from there nearby counties, you cannot look at Nottinghamshire alone. Further work needs to be done on this. The same methodology applies to other aggregates.

Full text:

No. The figures do not include the contribution from there nearby counties, you cannot look at Nottinghamshire alone. Further work needs to be done on this. The same methodology applies to other aggregates.


Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

Q6 Do you think extensions to existing permitted quarries should be prioritised over new greenfield quarries

Representation ID: 30393

Received: 14/01/2018

Respondent: Gotham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Yes. Infrastructure will already be in place and environmental assessments made and understood. They will be able to maintain the existing workforce and works.

Full text:

Yes. Infrastructure will already be in place and environmental assessments made and understood. They will be able to maintain the existing workforce and works.


Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

Q8 How important is it to maintain a geographical spread of sand and gravel quarries across the County to minimise transport distances

Representation ID: 30394

Received: 14/01/2018

Respondent: Gotham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Minimising the transport distances involved is important but it must be clearly assessed. Having a quarry next door to a development would clearly help that particular development but you have got know how much of the output is involved. It is firstly disappointing that reference is made to a potential quarry at Barton in Fabis given the opening comments that states should not be considered at this stage. However we would suggest that the output of a quarry at Barton in Fabis would far exceed the requirement in the immediate vicinity.

Full text:

Minimising the transport distances involved is important but it must be clearly assessed. Having a quarry next door to a development would clearly help that particular development but you have got know how much of the output is involved. It is firstly disappointing that reference is made to a potential quarry at Barton in Fabis given the opening comments that states should not be considered at this stage. However we would suggest that the output of a quarry at Barton in Fabis would far exceed the requirement in the immediate vicinity.


Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

Q9 Would it be more appropriate to prioritise specific areas above others?

Representation ID: 30395

Received: 14/01/2018

Respondent: Gotham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

No. The criteria for appropriate objective assessment have been specified above.

Full text:

No. The criteria for appropriate objective assessment have been specified above.


Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

Q10 Is it economical to transport mineral by river barge and if so should proposed quarries with the potential for moving sand and gravel by river barge be prioritised over other proposals?

Representation ID: 30396

Received: 14/01/2018

Respondent: Gotham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Yes. The current concerns over the environmental impact of HGV transport make this a priority.

Full text:

Yes. The current concerns over the environmental impact of HGV transport make this a priority.


Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

Q17 Should the plan seek to identify specific site allocations for gypsum provision or should a criteria based policy be developed?

Representation ID: 30397

Received: 14/01/2018

Respondent: Gotham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

As stated earlier Gotham has links with Gypsum mining. We believe the plan should not identify specific sites at this stage but await future criteria. British Gypsum (Saint Gobain) is a local employer and has a good relationship with the community.

Full text:

As stated earlier Gotham has links with Gypsum mining. We believe the plan should not identify specific sites at this stage but await future criteria. British Gypsum (Saint Gobain) is a local employer and has a good relationship with the community.


Minerals Local Plan Issues and Options consultation

Q25 Do you agree with the proposed development management policy areas? Are there any others that should be covered?

Representation ID: 30398

Received: 14/01/2018

Respondent: Gotham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

No. We consider the list to be too vague. Noise, air quality and dust are not mentioned.

Full text:

No. We consider the list to be too vague. Noise, air quality and dust are not mentioned.

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