Minerals Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
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Minerals Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
Key Findings of this Scoping Report
Representation ID: 30547
Received: 10/01/2018
Respondent: Friends of the Earth England, Wales, Northern Ireland
The suggestion that shale gas production could lead to carbon savings is an approach we find questionable when available evidence suggests that Government is not able to meet the Committee on Climate Change's (CCC) three tests that are required to justify shale gas production in the framework of current and future Carbon Budgets.
Hydraulic fracturing - at any stage - is not considered compatible within the framework of these tests. Planning decisions made at the county level cannot secure any legal commitment to lower imports of natural gas.
Minerals Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
Proposed Sustainability Appraisal objectives
Representation ID: 30548
Received: 10/01/2018
Respondent: Friends of the Earth England, Wales, Northern Ireland
The MPA should consider Committee on Climate Change's findings when scoring for relevant hydrocarbon, especially unconventional hydrocarbon policies e.g. 'reducing climate change'.
Assuming the UK Government cannot meet CCC's 3 tests, when additional factors are taken into consideration, our view is that likely impacts for the 'reducing climate change' objectives are more likely to be:
o "Higher negative effects on the achievement of the SA objective. For example, a significant negative contribution to an issue or receptor of more than local significance"
o "Uncertain impacts of the objective on the baseline".