Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
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Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 1: What do you think of the draft vision and strategic objectives?
Representation ID: 31087
Received: 28/09/2018
Respondent: Mining Remediation Authority
The Coal Authority supports the objectives set out in the plan.
The Coal Authority supports the objectives set out in the plan.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 3: What do you think of the draft strategic policy for minerals provision?
Representation ID: 31088
Received: 28/09/2018
Respondent: Mining Remediation Authority
The Coal Authority supports the inclusion of this policy which sets out the strategy for minerals provision.
The Coal Authority supports the inclusion of this policy which sets out the strategy for minerals provision.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 8: What do you think of the draft strategic policy for the Nottinghamshire Green Belt?
Representation ID: 31089
Received: 28/09/2018
Respondent: Mining Remediation Authority
The Coal Authority supports this policy which identifies that minerals extraction can be appropriate within the green belt.
The Coal Authority supports this policy which identifies that minerals extraction can be appropriate within the green belt.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 9: What do you think of the draft strategic policy for minerals safeguarding, consultation areas and associated minerals infrastructure?
Representation ID: 31090
Received: 28/09/2018
Respondent: Mining Remediation Authority
The Coal Authority supports the inclusion of surface coal resource as a mineral to be included in the MSA and identification of when the MPA should be consulted by District and Borough Councils.
The Coal Authority supports the inclusion of surface coal resource as a mineral to be included in the MSA and identification of when the MPA should be consulted by District and Borough Councils.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 20: What do you think of the draft policy to meet demand for coal over the plan period?
Representation ID: 31091
Received: 28/09/2018
Respondent: Mining Remediation Authority
The Coal Authority supports the inclusion of this policy which sets out criteria against which proposals for coal extraction will be considered.
The Coal Authority supports the inclusion of this policy which sets out criteria against which proposals for coal extraction will be considered.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 21: What do you think of the draft policy to meet demand for hydrocarbons over the plan period?
Representation ID: 31092
Received: 28/09/2018
Respondent: Mining Remediation Authority
The Coal Authority supports this policy which identifies the individual elements of exploration, appraisal, extraction and restoration against which proposals for hydrocarbons will be considered.
The Coal Authority supports this policy which identifies the individual elements of exploration, appraisal, extraction and restoration against which proposals for hydrocarbons will be considered.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 22: What do you think of the draft policy wording for DM1: Protecting local amenity?
Representation ID: 31094
Received: 28/09/2018
Respondent: Mining Remediation Authority
The Coal Authority supports this policy which requires consideration of the stability of land above and below ground as part of mineral extraction proposals.
The Coal Authority supports this policy which requires consideration of the stability of land above and below ground as part of mineral extraction proposals.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 33: What do you think of the draft policy wording for DM12: Restoration,after-use and aftercare?
Representation ID: 31096
Received: 28/09/2018
Respondent: Mining Remediation Authority
The Coal Authority supports this policy which requires consideration of restoration and afteruse for former mineral sites.
The Coal Authority supports this policy which requires consideration of restoration and afteruse for former mineral sites.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 34: What do you think of the draft policy wording for DM13: Incidental mineral extraction?
Representation ID: 31098
Received: 28/09/2018
Respondent: Mining Remediation Authority
The Coal Authority supports this policy which sets out provides a framework against which proposals for incidental mineral extraction will be considered.
The Coal Authority supports this policy which sets out provides a framework against which proposals for incidental mineral extraction will be considered.