Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan

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Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan

Question 12: What do you think of the draft site specific Sherwood Sandstone allocations?

Representation ID: 30872

Received: 20/09/2018

Respondent: Gedling Borough Council

Representation Summary:

It is recommended that Gedling Borough Council does not object to these allocations subject to the County Council being satisfied that its restoration would result in a level of biodiversity that would offset any harm to the Longdale Plantation Local Wildlife Site.

Full text:

It is recommended that Gedling Borough Council does not object to these allocations subject to the County Council being satisfied that its restoration would result in a level of biodiversity that would offset any harm to the Longdale Plantation Local Wildlife Site.


Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan

Question 15: What do you think of the draft site specific allocation for brick clay?

Representation ID: 30873

Received: 20/09/2018

Respondent: Gedling Borough Council

Representation Summary:

Gedling Borough Council has concerns about landscape impact. The County Council should ensure that appropriate wording is included within the supporting text to Policy MP6 (at paragraph 4.70 or alternatively within the Development Brief in appendix 3) to recognise the sensitivity of the landscape character of the Dumbles Rolling Farmlands and to identify that a detailed Landscape and Visual Assessment should be undertaken at the planning application stage which should include recommendations for mitigation including advanced planting schemes to screen the operational phase and to provide the necessary landscape buffers along Woodborough Lane and to the north of the site.

Full text:

It is recommended that Gedling Borough Council expresses concern about potential negative impacts on the landscape character of the Dumbles Rolling Farmlands and Woodborough Sloping Farmlands Policy Zones. Gedling Borough Council would seek reassurance from the County Council about the extent and scope of appropriate mitigation measures to minimise the impact on the landscape and openness of the Green Belt particularly during the operational phase. Gedling Borough Council would ask the County Council to ensure that appropriate wording is included within the supporting text to Policy MP6 (at paragraph 4.70 or alternatively within the Development Brief in appendix 3) to recognise the sensitivity of the landscape character of the Dumbles Rolling Farmlands and to identify the need for a detailed Landscape and Visual Assessment to be undertaken at the planning application stage to make recommendations for advanced planting schemes to screen the operational phase and to provide the necessary landscape buffers along Woodborough Lane and to the north of the site.


Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan

Question 9: What do you think of the draft strategic policy for minerals safeguarding, consultation areas and associated minerals infrastructure?

Representation ID: 30874

Received: 20/09/2018

Respondent: Gedling Borough Council

Representation Summary:

It is recommended that Gedling Borough Council has no objections to the Minerals Safeguarding policy or to the Minerals Consultation Area policies.

Full text:

It is recommended that Gedling Borough Council has no objections to the Minerals Safeguarding policy or to the Minerals Consultation Area policies.

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