Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
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Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 37: What do you think of the draft policy wording for DM16: Associated industrial development?
Representation ID: 30963
Received: 22/09/2018
Respondent: Greenfield Associates
Agent: Greenfield Associates
Policy DM16 is supported, but there is no reference to Green Belt. If there is a clear direct link between a minerals operation and an associated industrial development eg bagging operation or concrete plant etc, can this type of associated development be permissible within the Green Belt, provided the associated development is removed as the quarry is restored? Associated development may have a temporary impact on openness, but may have significant sustainability benefits, such as reduced HGV movements/transport impacts and reduced energy usage.
Policy DM16 is supported, but there is no reference to Green Belt. If there is a clear direct link between a minerals operation and an associated industrial development eg bagging operation or concrete plant etc, can this type of associated development be permissible within the Green Belt, provided the associated development is removed as the quarry is restored? Associated development may have a temporary impact on openness, but may have significant sustainability benefits, such as reduced HGV movements/transport impacts and reduced energy usage.