Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan

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Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan

Question 21: What do you think of the draft policy to meet demand for hydrocarbons over the plan period?

Representation ID: 31119

Received: 28/09/2018

Respondent: Anglian Water Services Limited

Representation Summary:

Reference should be included in Policy MP12: Hydrocarbon extraction to water resources/environment to ensure that there is no adverse impact on potable water sources in the ownership of Anglian Water.

Full text:

Anglian Water is identified as a statutory consultee through Schedule 4 (zf) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 in relation to development involving the boring for or getting of oil and natural gas from shale.

It is noted that the Draft Local Plan includes a single policy relating to hydrocarbon minerals including the proposals relating to the extraction of shale gas.

Reference is made to proposals from exploration through to extraction ensuring that it would not have an unacceptable impact on the environment or residential amenity. However no further guidance is provided in terms of what would constitute an unacceptable impact in this context or what is the required at each stage identified in Policy MP12: Hydrocarbons Minerals.

The policy relating to hydrocarbon extraction should specifically refer to water resources/environment and require applicants to demonstrate that there proposals would not have an adverse impact on potable water sources in the ownership of Anglian Water. This would include providing sufficient technical detail at the planning application stage about how any risks to potable water resources will be addressed.


Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan

Question 23:What do you think of the draft policy wording for DM2: Water resources and flood risk?

Representation ID: 31123

Received: 28/09/2018

Respondent: Anglian Water Services Limited

Representation Summary:

Policy DM2 should identify the technical information required to satisfy the requirement of the policy in relation to the protection of water resources.
Reference to a hydrogeological or water quality risk assessment should be included in the list of requirements for mineral planning applications as outlined in Appendix 1 of the Local Plan.
The policy should also require applicants to demonstrate that there is available capacity or can be made available within water supply and foul sewerage networks as appropriate.

Full text:

Policy DM2 as drafted refers to making efficient use of water resources and that SUDs is the preferred method for surface water disposal which is welcomed.

It would be helpful if Policy DM2 also referred to applicants demonstrating that there is capacity is available or could be made available within the water supply network and/or foul sewerage network where a connection is required to serve the site.

It is noted that reference is made in the supporting text of Policy DM2 (para 5.23) to the submission of hydrological/ hydrogeological investigation being required where necessary.

Policy DM2 would be strengthened by making it clear what would constitute sufficient technical detail to satisfy the requirements of the policy to protect existing water resources which are used for the supply of potable water. Similarly reference to a hydrogeological or water quality risk assessment should be included in the list of requirements for mineral planning applications as outlined in Appendix 1 of the Local Plan.

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