Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
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Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 1: What do you think of the draft vision and strategic objectives?
Representation ID: 31033
Received: 26/09/2018
Respondent: Nottingham Writers' Studio
The mention of shale gas is highly concerning. Any and all attempts to access shale gas should be immediately blocked. Also concerning is the statement pointing out that national policy is that minerals can be extracted from green belt land. This indicates that there are plans to do this. This would be absolutely unacceptable.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 2: What do you think of the draft strategic policy for sustainable development?
Representation ID: 31034
Received: 26/09/2018
Respondent: Nottingham Writers' Studio
There is far too little mention of preservation of biodiversity, reducing carbon impact and maintaining current green spaces. An absolute commitment to proper biological surveys with summary dismissal of any plans that disrupt areas found to be of biological importance must be shown if the council wishes to demonstrate that they are adequately exercising their moral duty to protect the environment and preserve biodiversity.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 4: What do you think of the draft strategic policy for biodiversity led restoration?
Representation ID: 31035
Received: 26/09/2018
Respondent: Nottingham Writers' Studio
It is unclear why the responsibility for restoring sites is not bring placed on the minerals industry. The companies that profit from disrupting the environment should absolutely have complete responsibility for restoring the sites afterwards.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 5: What do you think of the draft strategic policy for climate change?
Representation ID: 31036
Received: 26/09/2018
Respondent: Nottingham Writers' Studio
This does not go far enough.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 7: What do you think of the draft strategic policy for the built, historic and natural environment?
Representation ID: 31037
Received: 26/09/2018
Respondent: Nottingham Writers' Studio
Plans to erode agricultural land of any grade are unacceptable. This simply cannot be permitted to happen with a huge and growing population in need of feeding. Sites of specific interest must be given much greater priority. The commitment must be to preserve these absolutely and at all costs, not just "where possible".
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 8: What do you think of the draft strategic policy for the Nottinghamshire Green Belt?
Representation ID: 31038
Received: 26/09/2018
Respondent: Nottingham Writers' Studio
Minerals extraction in the green belt simply should not be considered. There is no justification good enough for this kind of disruption to green belt land.