Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version

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Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version

MP2: Sand and Gravel Provision

Representation ID: 216

Received: 28/09/2019

Respondent: Carlton on Trent Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Carlton on Trent Parish Council felt the plan was legally compliant but would like to be reassured that should any aspect change which would result in the need to review the level of provision from the identified sites, there would be further consultation before any change to the plan could occur.
The council is very concerned about the potential of an extension to the Cromwell site and its impact on the river Trent and the village of Carlton on Trent.

Full text:

Carlton on Trent Parish Council felt the plan was legally compliant but would like to be reassured that should any aspect change which would result in the need to review the level of provision from the identified sites, there would be further consultation before any change to the plan could occur.
The council is very concerned about the potential of an extension to the Cromwell site and its impact on the river Trent and the village of Carlton on Trent.

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