Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version
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Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version
MP12: Oil and Gas
Representation ID: 168
Received: 09/10/2019
Respondent: Misson Parish Council
Legally compliant? No
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
With regard to hydrocarbons: inherent conflict between any form of extraction and SO3: minimise and mitigate impact on climate change, and national objective that planning supports transition to low-carbon economy. Now that coal has almost entirely been removed from electricity generation, any further development of oil or gas reserves is a increase in net contribution to climate change. Renewable forms of electricity generation are by now the largest growth area by far.
While on one hand the desire to treat all forms of oil or gas extraction equally makes sense on many levels, the document was presumably drafted before the recent seismic activity at Preston New Road. For shale gas, should there be a comment about such activity?
The Minerals Local Plan was discussed at Misson Parish Council on the 2nd October
A summary of the discussion and feedback is below which bi hope is helpful:
Generally clear and well-written document
With regard to hydrocarbons: inherent conflict between any form of extraction and SO3: minimise and mitigate impact on climate change, and national objective that planning supports transition to low-carbon economy. Now that coal has almost entirely been removed from electricity generation, any further development of oil or gas reserves is a increase in net contribution to climate change. Renewable forms of electricity generation are by now the largest growth area by far.
While on one hand the desire to treat all forms of oil or gas extraction equally makes sense on many levels, the document was presumably drafted before the recent seismic activity at Preston New Road. For shale gas, should there be a comment about such activity?