Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version

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Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version

SO1: Improving the sustainability of minerals development

Representation ID: 81

Received: 02/10/2019

Respondent: Newark PAGE

Representation Summary:

We find the proposed plan to be wholly compliant with all legal requirements and we are of the opinion that it is sound and appropriate to need and sustainability and welcome its emphasis on locating extraction nearest to the point of use and utilisation by extension, where appropriate, of existing sites of extraction.

Full text:

We find the proposed plan to be wholly compliant with all legal requirements and we are of the opinion that it is sound and appropriate to need and sustainability and welcome its emphasis on locating extraction nearest to the point of use and utlisation by extension, where appropriate, of existing sites of extraction.
We do not support however any subsequent new extraction site immediately north of Cromwell due to the significant adverse impact this would have on Carlton On Trent from associated HGV traffic.

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