Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version
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Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version
SP4: Sustainable Transport
Representation ID: 276
Received: 04/10/2019
Respondent: Highways England
We support the proposals set out in Policy SP4 regarding the use of sustainable transport such as barge, rail and pipeline, as well as the consideration that will be given to site location, to minimise the reliance on HGV traffic which can have a significant impact on the performance of the highway network.
Planning applications for site allocations should consider the traffic impacts and potential physical impacts on the integrity of the highway network. Where necessary, mitigation should be proposed to ensure that traffic generated by the development can be safely accommodated. Transport Assessments should be prepared through the planning process and carried out in line with the DfT Circular 02/2013.
We support the proposals set out in Policy SP4 regarding the use of sustainable transport such as barge, rail and pipeline, as well as the consideration that will be given to site location, to minimise the reliance on HGV traffic which can have a significant impact on the performance of the highway network.
Planning applications for site allocations should consider the traffic impacts and potential physical impacts on the integrity of the highway network. Where necessary, mitigation should be proposed to ensure that traffic generated by the development can be safely accommodated. Transport Assessments should be prepared through the planning process and carried out in line with the DfT Circular 02/2013.