Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version
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Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version
DM9: Highways Safety and Vehicle Movements/ Routeing
Representation ID: 222
Received: 12/09/2019
Respondent: Bawtry Town Council
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
The Town Council does not have an issue with the mineral sites identified in principle. However the relevant highway infrastructure is currently inadequate in Bawtry which additional HGV traffic will exacerbate
In particular we question the soundness and effectiveness of a Plan and Traffic Assessment :which notes:
3.18 Bawtry Road (Misson Sand and Gravel Co) which acknowledges an extension with routeing of vehicles likely take HGVs through the town of Bawtry via Newington Road to the A614
3.18.5 This increase in HGVs would trigger the GEART threshold. However, as this is an extension, the above figures may already include HGVs associated with the site (although it is not known how much volume is currently being produced).
3.19 Barnby Moor (Hanson)
3.19.5 The increase in HGVs on the A638, at the point of the site access, would therefore be 34.6%. The total increase in general traffic would be 1.7%. As such, the thresholds given within GEART would be triggered and would require further assessment (in terms of noise and air quality analysis) on nearby sensitive receptors).
Where permissions are granted,we would maintain that a condition of planning must be that applicant’s vehicles are routed away from Bawtry where possible.
3.20 Barnby Moor: Torworth (Rotherham Sand and Gravel)
3.20.5 The increase in HGVs on the A638, at the point of the site access, would therefore be 34.6%. The total increase in general traffic would be 1.7%. As such, the thresholds given within GEART would be triggered and would require further assessment (in terms of noise and air quality analysis) on nearby sensitive receptors).
Traffic congestion at the Gainsborough Road and Tickhill Road junctions is already a significant problem Further traffic from extensions and additions to existing mineral sites will clearly have an adverse cumulative impact on the junctions adjacent to the A638 (including the said Tickhill and Gainsborough Road junctions) Our concerns stem from individual applications that invariably are considered in isolation by Nottinghamshire County Council and applicants and often without any cumulative impact assessment taking into account applications not only in Nottinghamshire but from other principal authorities
Policy DM8: Cumulative Impact states “Proposals for minerals development will be supported where it can be demonstrated that there are no unacceptable cumulative impacts on the environment or on the amenity of a local community” Despite this the allocated sites will have a significant cumulative impact and this is without considering other applications from neighbouring boroughs and other general planning developments which simply aren’t taken into account through individual assessments for sites or considering cumulative sites that only relate to minerals in the county ..
Policy DM9: Highways Safety and Vehicle Movements / Routeing
Proposals for minerals development will be supported where it can be demonstrated that:
a) The highway network including any necessary improvements can satisfactorily and safely accommodate the vehicle movements, including peaks in vehicle movements, likely to be generated;
b) The vehicle movements likely to be generated would not cause an unacceptable impact on the environment and/or disturbance to local amenity;
c) Where appropriate, adequate vehicle routeing schemes have been put in place to minimise the impact of traffic on local communities;
Despite the above policy -Site allocations however actually suggest routing through Bawtry not away from it despite the significant traffic problems we have at present.
The Town Council does not have an issue with the mineral sites identified in principle. However the relevant highway infrastructure is currently inadequate in Bawtry which additional HGV traffic will exacerbate
In particular we question the soundness and effectiveness of a Plan and Traffic Assessment :which notes:
3.18 Bawtry Road (Misson Sand and Gravel Co) which acknowledges an extension with routeing of vehicles likely take HGVs through the town of Bawtry via Newington Road to the A614
3.18.5 This increase in HGVs would trigger the GEART threshold. However, as this is an extension, the above figures may already include HGVs associated with the site (although it is not known how much volume is currently being produced).
3.19 Barnby Moor (Hanson)
3.19.5 The increase in HGVs on the A638, at the point of the site access, would therefore be 34.6%. The total increase in general traffic would be 1.7%. As such, the thresholds given within GEART would be triggered and would require further assessment (in terms of noise and air quality analysis) on nearby sensitive receptors).
Where permissions are granted,we would maintain that a condition of planning must be that applicant’s vehicles are routed away from Bawtry where possible.
3.20 Barnby Moor: Torworth (Rotherham Sand and Gravel)
3.20.5 The increase in HGVs on the A638, at the point of the site access, would therefore be 34.6%. The total increase in general traffic would be 1.7%. As such, the thresholds given within GEART would be triggered and would require further assessment (in terms of noise and air quality analysis) on nearby sensitive receptors).
Traffic congestion at the Gainsborough Road and Tickhill Road junctions is already a significant problem Further traffic from extensions and additions to existing mineral sites will clearly have an adverse cumulative impact on the junctions adjacent to the A638 (including the said Tickhill and Gainsborough Road junctions) Our concerns stem from individual applications that invariably are considered in isolation by Nottinghamshire County Council and applicants and often without any cumulative impact assessment taking into account applications not only in Nottinghamshire but from other principal authorities
Policy DM8: Cumulative Impact states “Proposals for minerals development will be supported where it can be demonstrated that there are no unacceptable cumulative impacts on the environment or on the amenity of a local community” Despite this the allocated sites will have a significant cumulative impact and this is without considering other applications from neighbouring boroughs and other general planning developments which simply aren’t taken into account through individual assessments for sites or considering cumulative sites that only relate to minerals in the county ..
Policy DM9: Highways Safety and Vehicle Movements / Routeing
Proposals for minerals development will be supported where it can be demonstrated that:
a) The highway network including any necessary improvements can satisfactorily and safely accommodate the vehicle movements, including peaks in vehicle movements, likely to be generated;
b) The vehicle movements likely to be generated would not cause an unacceptable impact on the environment and/or disturbance to local amenity;
c) Where appropriate, adequate vehicle routeing schemes have been put in place to minimise the impact of traffic on local communities;
Despite the above policy -Site allocations however actually suggest routing through Bawtry not away from it despite the significant traffic problems we have at present
Ensure sites are adequately assessed for cumulative impact and route vehicles away from Bawtry. Councils also need to co-operate more fully with other neighbouring boroughs..