Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version

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Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version

MP2p: Mill Hill nr Barton in Fabis

Representation ID: 131

Received: 11/10/2019

Respondent: Broxtowe Borough Council

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Whilst the site proposed to be allocated by this policy (Policy MP2p – ‘Mill Hill near Barton In
Fabis’) is not located within the local authority area of Broxtowe Borough Council, it is situated
immediately adjacent to the Borough’s boundary.
The Borough Council is of the view that the policy and supporting site development brief should
be slightly amended to enhance the level of protection for the various natural and recreational
assets along this part of the Borough’s boundary.
A number of environmental and recreational assets within the Borough Council’s boundary may
potentially be adversely affected by this allocation. These include not only the Attenborough
Gravel Pits SSSI, which is referred to within the site development brief, but also the
Attenborough Nature Reserve (open space) and Trent Valley Green Infrastructure (GI) Corridor.
The Borough Council notes that the ‘policy’ does not refer to the ‘Trent Valley Green
Infrastructure (GI) Corridor’, which runs along the River Trent. There is also no reference to this
GI Corridor within the site development brief. This important GI Corridor is not only of
environmental and biodiversity value, but is also an important recreational route within the
Borough. The development of a minerals extraction facility close to this location has the potential
to impact upon the environmental assets of the local area, as well as the potential of the area as
a recreational resource to the local community.

Full text:

Whilst the site proposed to be allocated by this policy (Policy MP2p – ‘Mill Hill near Barton In
Fabis’) is not located within the local authority area of Broxtowe Borough Council, it is situated
immediately adjacent to the Borough’s boundary.
The Borough Council is of the view that the policy and supporting site development brief should
be slightly amended to enhance the level of protection for the various natural and recreational
assets along this part of the Borough’s boundary.
A number of environmental and recreational assets within the Borough Council’s boundary may
potentially be adversely affected by this allocation. These include not only the Attenborough
Gravel Pits SSSI, which is referred to within the site development brief, but also the
Attenborough Nature Reserve (open space) and Trent Valley Green Infrastructure (GI) Corridor.
The Borough Council notes that the ‘policy’ does not refer to the ‘Trent Valley Green
Infrastructure (GI) Corridor’, which runs along the River Trent. There is also no reference to this
GI Corridor within the site development brief. This important GI Corridor is not only of
environmental and biodiversity value, but is also an important recreational route within the
Borough. The development of a minerals extraction facility close to this location has the potential
to impact upon the environmental assets of the local area, as well as the potential of the area as
a recreational resource to the local community.

The Borough Council recommends that mitigation measures should be proposed within the
policy and site development brief to protect the various nearby environmental and recreational
assets within the Borough’s boundary, including the Attenborough Gravel Pits SSSI,
Attenborough Nature Reserve (open space) and the Trent Valley Green Infrastructure Corridor,
in order to both protect wildlife and biodiversity and also to minimise any disturbance to the
recreational use of these areas. Examples of such mitigation measures could include additional
buffers between the mineral extraction site and the banks of the River Trent.
The Borough Council also recommends that the Trent Valley Green Infrastructure Corridor is
referenced within the site development brief.

Parts 1 (a) and 2 (a) of Policy MP12 refer to ‘protected areas’, although the policy does not
currently define which types of ‘protection’ this term refers to. The Borough Council is of the view
that it would be helpful for the policy and supporting text to clearly define the extent of these
‘areas’. In particular, it would be useful to clarify whether these areas include land designated as
‘Green Belt’ or land protected by other designations (for example, Local Wildlife Sites, SSSIs,
Local Nature Reserves etc.).
The Borough Council recommends that the term ‘protected areas’, as referred to within parts
1(a) and 2(a) of Policy MP12, should be clearly defined within the policy and supporting text. The
Borough Council considers that the inclusion of mapping illustrating the extent of these
‘protected areas’ would also be very useful


Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version

Appendix 2: Site Allocation Development Briefs

Representation ID: 132

Received: 11/10/2019

Respondent: Broxtowe Borough Council

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Whilst the site proposed to be allocated by this policy (Policy MP2p – ‘Mill Hill near Barton In
Fabis’) is not located within the local authority area of Broxtowe Borough Council, it is situated
immediately adjacent to the Borough’s boundary.
The Borough Council is of the view that the policy and supporting site development brief should
be slightly amended to enhance the level of protection for the various natural and recreational
assets along this part of the Borough’s boundary.
A number of environmental and recreational assets within the Borough Council’s boundary may
potentially be adversely affected by this allocation. These include not only the Attenborough
Gravel Pits SSSI, which is referred to within the site development brief, but also the
Attenborough Nature Reserve (open space) and Trent Valley Green Infrastructure (GI) Corridor.
The Borough Council notes that the ‘policy’ does not refer to the ‘Trent Valley Green
Infrastructure (GI) Corridor’, which runs along the River Trent. There is also no reference to this
GI Corridor within the site development brief. This important GI Corridor is not only of
environmental and biodiversity value, but is also an important recreational route within the
Borough. The development of a minerals extraction facility close to this location has the potential
to impact upon the environmental assets of the local area, as well as the potential of the area as
a recreational resource to the local community.

Full text:

Whilst the site proposed to be allocated by this policy (Policy MP2p – ‘Mill Hill near Barton In
Fabis’) is not located within the local authority area of Broxtowe Borough Council, it is situated
immediately adjacent to the Borough’s boundary.
The Borough Council is of the view that the policy and supporting site development brief should
be slightly amended to enhance the level of protection for the various natural and recreational
assets along this part of the Borough’s boundary.
A number of environmental and recreational assets within the Borough Council’s boundary may
potentially be adversely affected by this allocation. These include not only the Attenborough
Gravel Pits SSSI, which is referred to within the site development brief, but also the
Attenborough Nature Reserve (open space) and Trent Valley Green Infrastructure (GI) Corridor.
The Borough Council notes that the ‘policy’ does not refer to the ‘Trent Valley Green
Infrastructure (GI) Corridor’, which runs along the River Trent. There is also no reference to this
GI Corridor within the site development brief. This important GI Corridor is not only of
environmental and biodiversity value, but is also an important recreational route within the
Borough. The development of a minerals extraction facility close to this location has the potential
to impact upon the environmental assets of the local area, as well as the potential of the area as
a recreational resource to the local community.

The Borough Council recommends that mitigation measures should be proposed within the
policy and site development brief to protect the various nearby environmental and recreational
assets within the Borough’s boundary, including the Attenborough Gravel Pits SSSI,
Attenborough Nature Reserve (open space) and the Trent Valley Green Infrastructure Corridor,
in order to both protect wildlife and biodiversity and also to minimise any disturbance to the
recreational use of these areas. Examples of such mitigation measures could include additional
buffers between the mineral extraction site and the banks of the River Trent.
The Borough Council also recommends that the Trent Valley Green Infrastructure Corridor is
referenced within the site development brief.

Parts 1 (a) and 2 (a) of Policy MP12 refer to ‘protected areas’, although the policy does not
currently define which types of ‘protection’ this term refers to. The Borough Council is of the view
that it would be helpful for the policy and supporting text to clearly define the extent of these
‘areas’. In particular, it would be useful to clarify whether these areas include land designated as
‘Green Belt’ or land protected by other designations (for example, Local Wildlife Sites, SSSIs,
Local Nature Reserves etc.).
The Borough Council recommends that the term ‘protected areas’, as referred to within parts
1(a) and 2(a) of Policy MP12, should be clearly defined within the policy and supporting text. The
Borough Council considers that the inclusion of mapping illustrating the extent of these
‘protected areas’ would also be very useful


Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version

MP12: Oil and Gas

Representation ID: 133

Received: 11/10/2019

Respondent: Broxtowe Borough Council

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Parts 1 (a) and 2 (a) of Policy MP12 refer to ‘protected areas’, although the policy does not
currently define which types of ‘protection’ this term refers to. The Borough Council is of the view
that it would be helpful for the policy and supporting text to clearly define the extent of these
‘areas’. In particular, it would be useful to clarify whether these areas include land designated as
‘Green Belt’ or land protected by other designations (for example, Local Wildlife Sites, SSSIs,
Local Nature Reserves etc.).

Full text:

Whilst the site proposed to be allocated by this policy (Policy MP2p – ‘Mill Hill near Barton In
Fabis’) is not located within the local authority area of Broxtowe Borough Council, it is situated
immediately adjacent to the Borough’s boundary.
The Borough Council is of the view that the policy and supporting site development brief should
be slightly amended to enhance the level of protection for the various natural and recreational
assets along this part of the Borough’s boundary.
A number of environmental and recreational assets within the Borough Council’s boundary may
potentially be adversely affected by this allocation. These include not only the Attenborough
Gravel Pits SSSI, which is referred to within the site development brief, but also the
Attenborough Nature Reserve (open space) and Trent Valley Green Infrastructure (GI) Corridor.
The Borough Council notes that the ‘policy’ does not refer to the ‘Trent Valley Green
Infrastructure (GI) Corridor’, which runs along the River Trent. There is also no reference to this
GI Corridor within the site development brief. This important GI Corridor is not only of
environmental and biodiversity value, but is also an important recreational route within the
Borough. The development of a minerals extraction facility close to this location has the potential
to impact upon the environmental assets of the local area, as well as the potential of the area as
a recreational resource to the local community.

The Borough Council recommends that mitigation measures should be proposed within the
policy and site development brief to protect the various nearby environmental and recreational
assets within the Borough’s boundary, including the Attenborough Gravel Pits SSSI,
Attenborough Nature Reserve (open space) and the Trent Valley Green Infrastructure Corridor,
in order to both protect wildlife and biodiversity and also to minimise any disturbance to the
recreational use of these areas. Examples of such mitigation measures could include additional
buffers between the mineral extraction site and the banks of the River Trent.
The Borough Council also recommends that the Trent Valley Green Infrastructure Corridor is
referenced within the site development brief.

Parts 1 (a) and 2 (a) of Policy MP12 refer to ‘protected areas’, although the policy does not
currently define which types of ‘protection’ this term refers to. The Borough Council is of the view
that it would be helpful for the policy and supporting text to clearly define the extent of these
‘areas’. In particular, it would be useful to clarify whether these areas include land designated as
‘Green Belt’ or land protected by other designations (for example, Local Wildlife Sites, SSSIs,
Local Nature Reserves etc.).
The Borough Council recommends that the term ‘protected areas’, as referred to within parts
1(a) and 2(a) of Policy MP12, should be clearly defined within the policy and supporting text. The
Borough Council considers that the inclusion of mapping illustrating the extent of these
‘protected areas’ would also be very useful

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