Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version

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Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version

MP12: Oil and Gas

Representation ID: 13

Received: 09/10/2019

Respondent: Egdon Resources UK Limited

Agent: Miss Helen Woodmancy

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The thrust of the policy is welcomed as it makes no distinction between conventional and unconventional oil and gas. The general support for the exploration and appraisal of oil and gas is also welcomed.

It is unclear from the policy if there are three tests - to prove exceptional circumstances, to show that the reasons for designation are not compromised and thirdly, a need for the development.
We therefore wish to see 1a and 2a deleted as they are unnecessary and not justified.

Full text:

Policy M12: Oil and Gas
The thrust of the policy is welcomed as it makes no distinction between conventional and unconventional oil and gas. The general support for the exploration and appraisal of oil and gas is also welcomed. However, the wording of the first part of the policy (1a) is not justified as well as being confusing and unclear. Firstly, there is no glossary in the draft Plan which defines “protected areas”. There is no definition in the NPPF to assist. More importantly, the inclusion of protected areas is unnecessary as an applicant will need to demonstrate that the proposal is in accordance with development plan policies including those which apply to protected areas such as SSSIs and conservation areas.
The requirement for the need for development to be demonstrated (1a and 2a) is at odds with national planning policy guidance, the Minerals PPG and the written ministerial statements. The Government fully supports indigenous supplies of oil and gas in order to reduce imports and manage security of supply. The Committee on Climate Change report of May 2019 on Net Zero Emissions acknowledges that the UK will continue to require oil and gas up to and beyond 2050.
It is unclear from the policy if there are three tests - to prove exceptional circumstances, to show that the reasons for designation are not compromised and thirdly, a need for the development.
We therefore wish to see 1a and 2a deleted as they are unnecessary and not justified.

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