Waste Issues and Options

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Waste Issues and Options

Question 14

Representation ID: 387

Received: 03/03/2020

Respondent: Development Management NCC

Representation Summary:

Table 8 of the WCS does include the word ‘indicative’ in the title but I suppose some sort of overlapping on the
tonnages and/or site size might give a little more flexibility when considering the suitability of sites. Also, for all the
recycling sites (except HWRCs), Table 8 is effectively saying that sites cannot be any bigger than three hectares in
size. Why is that restriction there, or why is there not a restriction on HWRCs.
Also, why do small recycling sites have to be at least 0.5 hectares in size.
A bit of thought on those types of issues would be good if that approach is to be taken again.

Full text:

Table 8 of the WCS does include the word ‘indicative’ in the title but I suppose some sort of overlapping on the
tonnages and/or site size might give a little more flexibility when considering the suitability of sites. Also, for all the
recycling sites (except HWRCs), Table 8 is effectively saying that sites cannot be any bigger than three hectares in
size. Why is that restriction there, or why is there not a restriction on HWRCs.
Also, why do small recycling sites have to be at least 0.5 hectares in size.
A bit of thought on those types of issues would be good if that approach is to be taken again.

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