Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

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Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

DM11 - Airfield Safeguarding

Representation ID: 757

Received: 28/03/2022

Respondent: Ministry of Defence

Representation Summary:

DM11 -
It is understood that Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council are jointly undertaking a
Consultation regarding the publication of the Draft Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Local Plan.
The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) Safeguarding Team represents the Ministry of Defence (MOD) as
a statutory consultee in the UK planning system to ensure designated zones around key operational defence sites
such as aerodromes, explosives storage sites, air weapon ranges, and technical sites are not adversely affected
by development outside the MOD estate. For clarity, this response relates to MOD Safeguarding concerns only
and should be read in conjunction with any other submissions that might be provided by other MOD sites or
Paragraph 97 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2021 requires that planning policies and decisions
should take into account defence requirements by ‘ensuring that operational sites are not affected adversely
by the impact of other development proposed in the area.’ To this end MOD may be involved in the planning
system both as a statutory and non-statutory consultee. Statutory consultation occurs as a result of the
provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Safeguarded aerodromes, technical sites and military
explosives storage areas) Direction 2002 (DfT/ODPM Circular 01/2003) and the location data and criteria set
out on safeguarding maps issued by Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
(DLUHC)accordance with the provisions of that Direction.
Copies of these plans, in both GIS shapefile and .pdf format, can be provided on request
through the email address above.
Safeguarding Department
Statutory & Offshore
Defence Infrastructure Organisation
St Georges House
DIO Head Office
DMS Whittington
WS14 9PY
Tel: 07800 505824
28th March 2022
Having reviewed the supporting documentation in respect of Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham
City Council’s Joint Draft Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Local Plan Consultation there are six areas
of interest for the MOD.
DIO safeguarding have areas of interest in RAF Syerston, RAF Scampton and RAF Waddington, with Statutory
Aerodrome Height and Birdstrike Safeguarding Zones surrounding the aerodromes. We have additional interests
in RAF Barkston Heath and RAF Cranwell with Statutory Aerodrome Height Safeguarding Zones surrounding the
The other specific interest MOD have in the plan area is a new technical asset known as the East 1 WAM
Network which contributes to aviation safety by feeding into the air traffic management system in the Eastern
areas of England. There is the potential for development to impact on the operation and/or capability of this new
technical asset which consists of nodes and connecting pathways, each of which have their own consultation
criteria. Elements of this asset are located within and/or pass through the Draft Nottinghamshire and Nottingham
Waste Local Plan area of interest.
The aerodrome height safeguarding zone serves to protect the airspace above and around aerodromes to
maintain an assured, obstacle free environment for aircraft manoeuvre and ensure that line of sight
navigational aids and transmitter/receivers are not impeded. This airspace needs to be kept free of
obstruction from tall structures to ensure that aircraft transiting to and from or circuiting the aerodrome can do
so safely.
Within the statutory consultation areas associated with aerodromes are zones that are designed to remove or
mitigate birdstrike risk. The creation of environments attractive to those large and flocking bird species that
pose a hazard to aviation safety can have a significant effect. This can include waste development schemes
or proposals associated with waste facilities.
Should any Ministry of Defence operational site or asset cease to be operational and/or no longer require the
benefit of a designated Statutory Safeguarding Zone, the MOD will notify DLUHC to initiate the withdrawal of
those plans.
In summary, the MOD have no concerns or suggested amendments to the current draft of the
Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Local Plan that forms the subject of the current consultation.

Full text:

It is understood that Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council are jointly undertaking a
Consultation regarding the publication of the Draft Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Local Plan.
The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) Safeguarding Team represents the Ministry of Defence (MOD) as
a statutory consultee in the UK planning system to ensure designated zones around key operational defence sites
such as aerodromes, explosives storage sites, air weapon ranges, and technical sites are not adversely affected
by development outside the MOD estate. For clarity, this response relates to MOD Safeguarding concerns only
and should be read in conjunction with any other submissions that might be provided by other MOD sites or
Paragraph 97 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2021 requires that planning policies and decisions
should take into account defence requirements by ‘ensuring that operational sites are not affected adversely
by the impact of other development proposed in the area.’ To this end MOD may be involved in the planning
system both as a statutory and non-statutory consultee. Statutory consultation occurs as a result of the
provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Safeguarded aerodromes, technical sites and military
explosives storage areas) Direction 2002 (DfT/ODPM Circular 01/2003) and the location data and criteria set
out on safeguarding maps issued by Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
(DLUHC)accordance with the provisions of that Direction.
Copies of these plans, in both GIS shapefile and .pdf format, can be provided on request
through the email address above.
Safeguarding Department
Statutory & Offshore
Defence Infrastructure Organisation
St Georges House
DIO Head Office
DMS Whittington
WS14 9PY
Tel: 07800 505824
28th March 2022
Having reviewed the supporting documentation in respect of Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham
City Council’s Joint Draft Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Local Plan Consultation there are six areas
of interest for the MOD.
DIO safeguarding have areas of interest in RAF Syerston, RAF Scampton and RAF Waddington, with Statutory
Aerodrome Height and Birdstrike Safeguarding Zones surrounding the aerodromes. We have additional interests
in RAF Barkston Heath and RAF Cranwell with Statutory Aerodrome Height Safeguarding Zones surrounding the
The other specific interest MOD have in the plan area is a new technical asset known as the East 1 WAM
Network which contributes to aviation safety by feeding into the air traffic management system in the Eastern
areas of England. There is the potential for development to impact on the operation and/or capability of this new
technical asset which consists of nodes and connecting pathways, each of which have their own consultation
criteria. Elements of this asset are located within and/or pass through the Draft Nottinghamshire and Nottingham
Waste Local Plan area of interest.
The aerodrome height safeguarding zone serves to protect the airspace above and around aerodromes to
maintain an assured, obstacle free environment for aircraft manoeuvre and ensure that line of sight
navigational aids and transmitter/receivers are not impeded. This airspace needs to be kept free of
obstruction from tall structures to ensure that aircraft transiting to and from or circuiting the aerodrome can do
so safely.
Within the statutory consultation areas associated with aerodromes are zones that are designed to remove or
mitigate birdstrike risk. The creation of environments attractive to those large and flocking bird species that
pose a hazard to aviation safety can have a significant effect. This can include waste development schemes
or proposals associated with waste facilities.
Should any Ministry of Defence operational site or asset cease to be operational and/or no longer require the
benefit of a designated Statutory Safeguarding Zone, the MOD will notify DLUHC to initiate the withdrawal of
those plans.
In summary, the MOD have no concerns or suggested amendments to the current draft of the
Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Local Plan that forms the subject of the current consultation.

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