Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022
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Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022
4. Overview of the Plan Area
Representation ID: 676
Received: 04/04/2022
Respondent: Newark and Sherwood District Council
Chapter 4
As stated in our previous representations, it would also be useful to highlight that between
the main towns and ‘small villages’ a number relatively large towns and villages exist across
the County. This is a particular issue when considering how to plan the provision of services
(including waste) in rural areas.
The map on page 23 still does not appear to show the A46 Newark bypass.
Recommended Change:
Include text to highlight that between the main towns and ‘small villages’ a number relatively
large towns and villages exist across the County.
Update the map on page 23 to include the A46 Newark bypass.
Please find attached Newark and Sherwood District Council’s consultation response to the Draft Waste Local Plan. Our response was
approved by the Council’s Economic Development Committee on the 23 March 2022.
Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022
5. Waste Management in the Plan Area
Representation ID: 677
Received: 04/04/2022
Respondent: Newark and Sherwood District Council
Paragraph 5.41
The commitment to a target of a 65% recycling rate for Local Authority Collected Waste is
Please find attached Newark and Sherwood District Council’s consultation response to the Draft Waste Local Plan. Our response was
approved by the Council’s Economic Development Committee on the 23 March 2022.
Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022
5. Waste Management in the Plan Area
Representation ID: 678
Received: 04/04/2022
Respondent: Newark and Sherwood District Council
Paragraph 5.42
The commitment to a target of an 80% recycling rate for C&I waste is welcomed.
Please find attached Newark and Sherwood District Council’s consultation response to the Draft Waste Local Plan. Our response was
approved by the Council’s Economic Development Committee on the 23 March 2022.
Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022
5. Waste Management in the Plan Area
Representation ID: 679
Received: 04/04/2022
Respondent: Newark and Sherwood District Council
Paragraph 5.44
The commitment to a target of a 95% recycling / recovery rate for CD&E waste is welcomed.
Please find attached Newark and Sherwood District Council’s consultation response to the Draft Waste Local Plan. Our response was
approved by the Council’s Economic Development Committee on the 23 March 2022.
Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022
5. Waste Management in the Plan Area
Representation ID: 680
Received: 04/04/2022
Respondent: Newark and Sherwood District Council
A query is raised in relation to the HIC Waste Disposal figures in Table 11. It is appreciated
that these are taken from the Waste Needs Assessment, however, the remaining capacity
figures don’t appear to correlate to the arisings produced figures and clarification is sought.
If additional capacity is required, it is questioned how the plan will make provision for this.
Recommended Change:
To clarify the disposal arisings produced and remaining capacity figures as they do not appear
to correlate to each other.
The plan needs to demonstrate how additional disposal capacity requirements will be met.
Please find attached Newark and Sherwood District Council’s consultation response to the Draft Waste Local Plan. Our response was
approved by the Council’s Economic Development Committee on the 23 March 2022.
Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022
5. Waste Management in the Plan Area
Representation ID: 681
Received: 04/04/2022
Respondent: Newark and Sherwood District Council
Table 12
A query is raised in relation to the CD&E Waste Disposal figures in Table 12. It is appreciated
that these are taken from the Waste Needs Assessment, however, the remaining capacity
figures don’t appear to correlate to the arisings produced figures and clarification is sought.
If additional capacity is required, it is questioned how the plan will make provision for this.
Recommended Change:
To clarify the disposal arisings produced and remaining capacity figures as they do not appear
to correlate to each other.
The plan needs to demonstrate how additional disposal capacity requirements will be met.
Please find attached Newark and Sherwood District Council’s consultation response to the Draft Waste Local Plan. Our response was
approved by the Council’s Economic Development Committee on the 23 March 2022.
Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022
5. Waste Management in the Plan Area
Representation ID: 682
Received: 04/04/2022
Respondent: Newark and Sherwood District Council
Paragraph 5.51 / Lack of Site Allocations
In order to plan effectively for future needs, the WLP should include a range of allocated sites
and / or identify broad locations, shown on a map base, on which future waste management
facilities could be appropriately located.
Whilst it is acknowledged that very few sites were put forward during the previous Call for
Sites exercise, there could be a range of reasons why this was the case, not least because it
was conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic when there was great uncertainty for
businesses. It is considered that the Call for Sites exercise should be re-run, potentially putting
measures in place if necessary, to generate a greater level of response and potential sites.
Pro-active consultation should take place with the waste industry and landowners in order to
achieve a range of potential sites for allocation.
It is also suggested that existing waste management sites and employment land should be
reviewed, in consultation with the District and Borough Councils, to establish the potential for
extensions or new facilities and as such, the identification of broad locations on which future
waste management development might be acceptable.
Recommended Change:
The WLP should contain allocated sites and / or map-based broad locations on which future
waste management facilities could be sited, in suitable locations depending on the nature of
the waste management facility, based on sustainability principles and the proximity principle,
to enable the vision and objectives of the plan to be met.
Please find attached Newark and Sherwood District Council’s consultation response to the Draft Waste Local Plan. Our response was
approved by the Council’s Economic Development Committee on the 23 March 2022.
Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022
Representation ID: 683
Received: 04/04/2022
Respondent: Newark and Sherwood District Council
Concern has been raised previously regarding the suitability of locating a new waste
management facility near Newark and this concern is carried forward due to the uncertainties
within this plan and the lack of allocated sites. The identification of Newark as a location for
waste management facilities requires justification and clarification should be provided within
the plan as to what constitutes a medium scale waste management facility, as referred to in
the Vision for Newark.
Recommended Change:
The identification of Newark as a location for waste management facilities requires
justification and clarification should be provided within the plan as to what constitutes a
medium scale waste management facility.
Please find attached Newark and Sherwood District Council’s consultation response to the Draft Waste Local Plan. Our response was
approved by the Council’s Economic Development Committee on the 23 March 2022.
Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022
SP1 – Waste prevention and re-use
Representation ID: 684
Received: 04/04/2022
Respondent: Newark and Sherwood District Council
Policy SP1 Waste Prevention and Re-Use
Whilst the intentions of this policy are welcomed, it is unclear how it could be applied in
practice in the determination of planning applications. It is recommended that additional text
is added to the policy setting out how its aims will be achieved and assessed in the
determination of applications for planning permission.
Recommended Change:
Additional text should be added to the policy setting out how its aims will be achieved and
assessed in the determination of applications for planning permission, for example, stating
what information planning applications should include to demonstrate compliance with the
Please find attached Newark and Sherwood District Council’s consultation response to the Draft Waste Local Plan. Our response was
approved by the Council’s Economic Development Committee on the 23 March 2022.
Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022
SP2 - Future Waste Management Provision
Representation ID: 685
Received: 04/04/2022
Respondent: Newark and Sherwood District Council
Policy SP2 Future Waste Management Provision
Whilst the positive approach to facilities which help to move waste management up the waste
hierarchy is welcomed, Policy SP2 should set out clearly and precisely what the identified
waste management needs for the plan area are over the plan period.
Additionally, this policy does not cover all types of waste management facility or requirement
and so potentially leaves a gap in policy provision if proposals come forward for waste
management facilities not specifically addressed by the policy, for example, waste transfer
stations or waste water treatment plants. It is noted that the consultation response document
states that the Waste Local Plan will contain a specific policy on waste water treatment plants
but this has not been carried forward.
Part a) of this policy covers both recycling and recovery, which sit at different points in the
waste hierarchy, and therefore this part of the policy ought to be broken down into two
separate sections, ensuring that recycling is given priority over recovery.
Recommended Change:
It is recommended that Policy SP2 sets out clearly and precisely what the identified waste
management needs for the plan area are over the plan period, even if this is in broad terms
by reference to Tables 11 and 12.
The coverage of waste management facilities needs to be expanded within Policy SP2 such
that it applies to all types of proposed new waste management developments. Whilst it is
appreciated that it might not be desirable to list all types of waste management facility within
the policy itself, there should be provision made for those types of facility and waste stream
which the policy currently doesn’t address.
Part a) of this policy ought to be broken down into two separate sections, ensuring that
recycling is given priority over recovery, reflecting their respective positions in the waste
Please find attached Newark and Sherwood District Council’s consultation response to the Draft Waste Local Plan. Our response was
approved by the Council’s Economic Development Committee on the 23 March 2022.