Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

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Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

SP1 – Waste prevention and re-use

Representation ID: 773

Received: 31/03/2022

Respondent: Rushcliffe Borough Council

Representation Summary:

Policy SP1 – Waste prevention and re-use
Policy SP1 states that all new developments should be designed, constructed, and operated to minimise the creation of waste, maximise the use of recycled materials, and assist with the collection, separation, sorting, recycling and recovery of waste arising from development during its use.
The supporting text makes clear that this policy will apply to proposals for non-waste development and should be considered by the local planning authority responsible for determining the application. Planning Practice Guidance on plan making states that specialist plans, such as waste plans, provide a framework for decisions involving these uses.1 It does not extend to non-waste proposals.
Whilst RBC does not object to the reduction of waste generation from non-waste developments, we question whether this development plan, which is intended to manage waste proposals, can be applied to other non-waste developments that should, instead, be determined in accordance with the development plan for the local planning authority.
Policies within these district or borough local plans should address waste generation from non-waste developments and Policy 2 (Climate Change) within RBC’s Local Plan Part 1 requires development minimise waste.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) on the Joint Draft Waste Local Plan and supporting Draft Sustainability Appraisal Report. Having read the documents, please accept the following responses.
Policy SP1 – Waste prevention and re-use
Policy SP1 states that all new developments should be designed, constructed, and operated to minimise the creation of waste, maximise the use of recycled materials, and assist with the collection, separation, sorting, recycling and recovery of waste arising from development during its use.
The supporting text makes clear that this policy will apply to proposals for non-waste development and should be considered by the local planning authority responsible for determining the application. Planning Practice Guidance on plan making states that specialist plans, such as waste plans, provide a framework for decisions involving these uses.1 It does not extend to non-waste proposals.
Whilst RBC does not object to the reduction of waste generation from non-waste developments, we question whether this development plan, which is intended to manage waste proposals, can be applied to other non-waste developments that should, instead, be determined in accordance with the development plan for the local planning authority.
Policies within these district or borough local plans should address waste generation from non-waste developments and Policy 2 (Climate Change) within RBC’s Local Plan Part 1 requires development minimise waste.
Forecasting future waste arising in the Plan area
RBC question the conclusions on page 31 and 32 that household waste will decrease (Scenario B (Low rate of decline)) as any decline in household residual waste (which cannot be recycled) may be off-set by the rise in the number of residents working from home. RBC are not seeing a decrease (just a smaller drop now some are returning to a mix of both office and remote).
Sustainability Appraisal Interim Report
Having read the SA Interim Report, RBC has no concerns regarding the methodology, the SA objectives and the appraisal of the vision, strategic objectives, policies and its conclusions.
We look forward to reviewing the next iteration of the Joint Waste Local Plan and supporting SA in due course.
This concludes RBC’s representation.


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

5. Waste Management in the Plan Area

Representation ID: 774

Received: 31/03/2022

Respondent: Rushcliffe Borough Council

Representation Summary:

Forecasting future waste arising in the Plan area
RBC question the conclusions on page 31 and 32 that household waste will decrease (Scenario B (Low rate of decline)) as any decline in household residual waste (which cannot be recycled) may be off-set by the rise in the number of residents working from home. RBC are not seeing a decrease (just a smaller drop now some are returning to a mix of both office and remote).

Full text:

Thank you for consulting Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) on the Joint Draft Waste Local Plan and supporting Draft Sustainability Appraisal Report. Having read the documents, please accept the following responses.
Policy SP1 – Waste prevention and re-use
Policy SP1 states that all new developments should be designed, constructed, and operated to minimise the creation of waste, maximise the use of recycled materials, and assist with the collection, separation, sorting, recycling and recovery of waste arising from development during its use.
The supporting text makes clear that this policy will apply to proposals for non-waste development and should be considered by the local planning authority responsible for determining the application. Planning Practice Guidance on plan making states that specialist plans, such as waste plans, provide a framework for decisions involving these uses.1 It does not extend to non-waste proposals.
Whilst RBC does not object to the reduction of waste generation from non-waste developments, we question whether this development plan, which is intended to manage waste proposals, can be applied to other non-waste developments that should, instead, be determined in accordance with the development plan for the local planning authority.
Policies within these district or borough local plans should address waste generation from non-waste developments and Policy 2 (Climate Change) within RBC’s Local Plan Part 1 requires development minimise waste.
Forecasting future waste arising in the Plan area
RBC question the conclusions on page 31 and 32 that household waste will decrease (Scenario B (Low rate of decline)) as any decline in household residual waste (which cannot be recycled) may be off-set by the rise in the number of residents working from home. RBC are not seeing a decrease (just a smaller drop now some are returning to a mix of both office and remote).
Sustainability Appraisal Interim Report
Having read the SA Interim Report, RBC has no concerns regarding the methodology, the SA objectives and the appraisal of the vision, strategic objectives, policies and its conclusions.
We look forward to reviewing the next iteration of the Joint Waste Local Plan and supporting SA in due course.
This concludes RBC’s representation.

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