Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
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Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 21: What do you think of the draft policy to meet demand for hydrocarbons over the plan period?
Representation ID: 30806
Received: 17/09/2018
Respondent: Coddington Parish Council
No comment.
No comment.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 22: What do you think of the draft policy wording for DM1: Protecting local amenity?
Representation ID: 30807
Received: 17/09/2018
Respondent: Coddington Parish Council
Coddington Parish Council supports Option A - specific policies for specific topic areas. However, the wording of the policy should be in stronger terms.
Coddington Parish Council supports Option A - specific policies for specific topic areas. However, the wording of the policy should be in stronger terms.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 23:What do you think of the draft policy wording for DM2: Water resources and flood risk?
Representation ID: 30808
Received: 17/09/2018
Respondent: Coddington Parish Council
Coddington Parish Council supports the policy as in the previous consultation.
Coddington Parish Council supports the policy as in the previous consultation.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 24: What do you think of the draft policy wording for DM3: Agricultural land and soil quality
Representation ID: 30809
Received: 17/09/2018
Respondent: Coddington Parish Council
Coddington Parish Council agrees with priorities for the protection and restoration of land for agriculture and woodland. The UK may need to be more self-reliant in future and therefore the wording of the policy should be more robust.
Coddington Parish Council agrees with priorities for the protection and restoration of land for agriculture and woodland. The UK may need to be more self-reliant in future and therefore the wording of the policy should be more robust.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 25: What do you think of the draft policy wording for DM4: Protection and enhancement of biodiversity and geodiversity
Representation ID: 30810
Received: 17/09/2018
Respondent: Coddington Parish Council
Coddington Parish Council supports the policy in general, but some of the wording of clause 2 (e.g. adequately mitigate) is weak.
Coddington Parish Council supports the policy in general, but some of the wording of clause 2 (e.g. adequately mitigate) is weak.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 26: What do you think of the draft policy wording for DM5: Landscape character
Representation ID: 30811
Received: 17/09/2018
Respondent: Coddington Parish Council
General support for the policy, but it should be written in stronger terms.
General support for the policy, but it should be written in stronger terms.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 27: What do you think of the draft policy wording for DM6: Historic environment
Representation ID: 30812
Received: 17/09/2018
Respondent: Coddington Parish Council
General support for the policy, but it should be written in stronger terms.
General support for the policy, but it should be written in stronger terms.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 28: What do you think of the draft policy wording for DM7: Public access
Representation ID: 30813
Received: 17/09/2018
Respondent: Coddington Parish Council
Coddington Parish Council supports the draft policy.
Coddington Parish Council supports the draft policy.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 29: What do you think of the draft policy wording for DM8: Cumulative impact?
Representation ID: 30814
Received: 17/09/2018
Respondent: Coddington Parish Council
Coddington Parish Council supports the draft policy.
Coddington Parish Council supports the draft policy.
Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan
Question 30: What do you think of the draft policy wording for DM9: Highways safety and vehicle movements/routeing?
Representation ID: 30815
Received: 17/09/2018
Respondent: Coddington Parish Council
Coddington Parish Council supports the draft policy.
Coddington Parish Council supports the draft policy.