Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

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Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

DM4 – Landscape Protection

Representation ID: 707

Received: 07/04/2022

Respondent: Via East Midlands

Representation Summary:

Policy DM4 - amend as follows: -

‘Landscaping, planting and restoration proposals should take account of the relevant landscape character policy area as set out in the Landscape Character Assessment covering Nottinghamshire and Nottingham.’
Change to:
‘Landscape treatment, planting and restoration proposals should take account of the relevant landscape character policy area as set out in the Nottinghamshire Landscape Character Assessment covering Nottinghamshire and Nottingham, and should refer to the associated species lists.’

Full text:

Comments on behalf of VIA East Midlands Landscape Team - see representations


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

DM4 – Landscape Protection

Representation ID: 708

Received: 07/04/2022

Respondent: Via East Midlands

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 8.36 - amend as follows: -

‘Landscapes form an important part of the character of Nottinghamshire and Nottingham and have evolved from a complex mix of natural and manmade influences such as geology, soil, climate and land use. This has given rise to a variety of landscapes that continue to change over time. All landscapes hold value, and some have more potential to be improved and restored than others.’
Change to:
‘The landscape forms an important part of the character of Nottinghamshire and Nottingham and has evolved from a complex mix of natural and manmade influences such as geology, soil, climate and land use. This has given rise to a variety of landscapes that continue to change over time. All landscapes have a value, and some have potential to be improved and restored whereas others should be conserved, the published landscape character assessments provide guidance on this issue.’

Full text:

Comments on behalf of VIA East Midlands Landscape Team - see representations


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

DM4 – Landscape Protection

Representation ID: 709

Received: 07/04/2022

Respondent: Via East Midlands

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 8.39 – delete ‘local’ and ‘all’ as shown

‘The LCAs should be used to help develop waste development proposals and inform the local Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment required for all waste proposals where as appropriate to the proposed development, to ensure that the existing landscape and visual impacts on the surrounding areas have been considered.’
Change to:
‘The LCAs should be used to help develop waste development proposals and inform the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment required for waste proposals as appropriate to the proposed development, to ensure that the existing landscape and visual impacts on the surrounding areas have been considered.’

Full text:

Comments on behalf of VIA East Midlands Landscape Team - see representations


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

DM7 - Water resources and Flood Risk

Representation ID: 710

Received: 07/04/2022

Respondent: Via East Midlands

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 8.96 – add the following: -

‘Examples of SUDs include permeable pavements, rain gardens, bioretention basins, green roofs and swales ‘

Full text:

Comments on behalf of VIA East Midlands Landscape Team - see representations


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

DM9 - Planning Obligations

Representation ID: 711

Received: 07/04/2022

Respondent: Via East Midlands

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 8.106 – amend as follows: -

‘All waste development proposals could give rise to issues such as highways, flood risk, landscape character and archaeological and ecological impact.’
Change to:
‘All waste development proposals could give rise to issues such as highways, flood risk, and archaeological and ecological impact, as well as physical impacts on the landscape, impacts on landscape character or visual impacts.’

Full text:

Comments on behalf of VIA East Midlands Landscape Team - see representations


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

DM10 - The Cumulative Impact of Waste Management Development

Representation ID: 712

Received: 07/04/2022

Respondent: Via East Midlands

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 8.114 – add the following: -

‘The impacts, both real and perceived, of a concentration of waste management facilities close to a community or communities could have a detrimental impact on local amenity, health, quality of life and the wider environment and landscape character including the visual character.’

Full text:

Comments on behalf of VIA East Midlands Landscape Team - see representations


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

DM2 – Health, Wellbeing and Amenity

Representation ID: 713

Received: 07/04/2022

Respondent: Via East Midlands

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 8.29 – add missing word

‘Many forms of waste management facilities are likely to require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to examine the likely significant environmental effects of what is being proposed.’

Full text:

Comments on behalf of VIA East Midlands Landscape Team - see representations


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

DM5 – Protecting and Enhancing Biodiversity

Representation ID: 780

Received: 04/04/2022

Respondent: Via East Midlands

Representation Summary:

In respect of 'Contaminated Land'
Section DM5 is headed “Protecting and Enhancing Biodiversity”. However, the text in this section also relates to geodiversity, which is a different type of resource to
biodiversity. Could the heading include Geodiversity as well? Definitions for biodiversity and geodiversity at the start of the section could also be helpful to clarify
the difference as there are different effects and mitigation. Paragraph 8.7 indicates that LGS are related to flora and fauna and wildlife corridors; however, this is not the case. LGS are designated based on geological features (such as important rock outcrops) and not related to biodiversity features – for example, an LGS could be an exposed quarry face. There are a few other areas in section DM5 where LGS are referenced alongside mitigation that is more related to wildlife and biodiversity, rather than geology.

Full text:

VIA East Midlands Submission in respect of 'Contaminated Land'.


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

DM7 - Water resources and Flood Risk

Representation ID: 781

Received: 04/04/2022

Respondent: Via East Midlands

Representation Summary:

In respect of 'Contaminated Land'.
Section D7 of the plan covers the importance of protecting groundwater resources from contamination. This is particularly relevant to the selection of suitable sites for non-inert landfill. I do not have any comments on this as the guidance is clear that the risks will be assessed on a site-specific basis, prior to approval of any new development.
Although protection of high-quality agricultural land and soil is noted in section DM2, soil resources are not included in any of the following sections. Does this need to be considered for more detailed inclusion in the plan? See for example Defra’s Safeguarding Our Soils – a Strategy for England.

Full text:

VIA East Midlands Submission in respect of 'Contaminated Land'.


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

SP5 – Climate Change

Representation ID: 782

Received: 04/04/2022

Respondent: Via East Midlands

Representation Summary:

I respect of 'Noise and Vibration'.
Chapter 7 presents a list of Strategic Policies (SP) which represents the vision and
objectives of the joint draft Waste Local Plan and provide the overall framework for
future waste development within Nottinghamshire. They were designed to ensure that
waste facilities are in the appropriate locations across the plan area to manage future waste
arisings and will help move waste up the waste hierarchy, whilst protecting local amenity and
the built, natural, and historic environment. Noise is considered in SP5 – Climate Change.

Full text:

VIA East Midlands Submission in respect of 'Contaminated Land'.

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