Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

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Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

8. Development Management Policies

Representation ID: 783

Received: 04/04/2022

Respondent: Via East Midlands

Representation Summary:

I respect of 'Noise and Vibration'.
Chapter 8 presents a list of Development Management (DM) Policies. The purpose of DM policies is to help to deliver the strategic policies and objectives by providing the criteria against which future waste development will be assessed. Noise and/or Vibrations are well
represented in the following DM policies:
· DM2 - Health, Wellbeing and Amenity;
· DM5 - Protecting and Enhancing Biodiversity;
· DM6 - Historic Environment;
· DM 9 - Planning Obligations;
· DM10 - Cumulative Impacts of Development; and
· DM12 - Highways Safety and Vehicle Movements/Routeing.
In terms of references to noise, we have identified a typing error on Page 131 where you can
read:”vx Crushing and screening of construction and demolition waste ……………………...”,
and you should read: “ix Crushing and screening ………………..

Full text:

VIA East Midlands Submission in respect of 'Contaminated Land'.

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