Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

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Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

DM6 – Historic Environment

Representation ID: 728

Received: 04/04/2022

Respondent: Historic England (Midlands)

Representation Summary:

Policy DM6 Historic Environment
We welcome the inclusion of a policy for the historic environment. We would request that ‘historic assets’ is replaced with ‘heritage assets’ and that the policy focusses on conserving and enhancing the ‘significance’ of heritage assets and their setting, in line with Section 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

Full text:

Many thanks for consulting Historic England on the above consultation.
Please find our comments attached in Table 1; we look forward to working with the Council’s as they progress their Waste Local Plan.
We commented on this document at an earlier stage in the process, 6 May 2020, and raised several general points and signposted a range of Historic England advice on our website. Please utilise this earlier response alongside our additional comments made within this response, to allow you to have a range of advice.
We are available to offer further advice on Development Management Policy 6: Historic Environment, if you would like to take us up on this offer please contact me using the above details.


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

DM7 - Water resources and Flood Risk

Representation ID: 729

Received: 04/04/2022

Respondent: Historic England (Midlands)

Representation Summary:

Policy DM7 Flood risk and water resources
As referenced above within Policy SP5 we would welcome recognition of the potential for changes to the watercourse and treatment for flooding and water courses, also need to consider how they may impact upon the historic environment, with particular attention to below ground archaeology. A reference within the justification text is likely to be suitable.

Full text:

Many thanks for consulting Historic England on the above consultation.
Please find our comments attached in Table 1; we look forward to working with the Council’s as they progress their Waste Local Plan.
We commented on this document at an earlier stage in the process, 6 May 2020, and raised several general points and signposted a range of Historic England advice on our website. Please utilise this earlier response alongside our additional comments made within this response, to allow you to have a range of advice.
We are available to offer further advice on Development Management Policy 6: Historic Environment, if you would like to take us up on this offer please contact me using the above details.


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

DM9 - Planning Obligations

Representation ID: 730

Received: 04/04/2022

Respondent: Historic England (Midlands)

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 8.110 If amendments are sought, then enhancements for the historic environment would be a welcome addition to this list.

Full text:

Many thanks for consulting Historic England on the above consultation.
Please find our comments attached in Table 1; we look forward to working with the Council’s as they progress their Waste Local Plan.
We commented on this document at an earlier stage in the process, 6 May 2020, and raised several general points and signposted a range of Historic England advice on our website. Please utilise this earlier response alongside our additional comments made within this response, to allow you to have a range of advice.
We are available to offer further advice on Development Management Policy 6: Historic Environment, if you would like to take us up on this offer please contact me using the above details.


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

DM10 - The Cumulative Impact of Waste Management Development

Representation ID: 731

Received: 04/04/2022

Respondent: Historic England (Midlands)

Representation Summary:

Policy DM10 Cumulative Impacts
We would welcome additional detail being included within this policy and justification text relating to the historic environment.
We are supportive of the inclusion of this policy within the Plan, and welcome the recognition that issues such as dirt, noise, smell, transport movements can all have an affect; we would welcome this being linked to effects on setting which could harm the significance of heritage assets or where cumulative impacts may occur within a historic landscape or between the intervisibility
of heritage assets where their significance is linked.

Full text:

Many thanks for consulting Historic England on the above consultation.
Please find our comments attached in Table 1; we look forward to working with the Council’s as they progress their Waste Local Plan.
We commented on this document at an earlier stage in the process, 6 May 2020, and raised several general points and signposted a range of Historic England advice on our website. Please utilise this earlier response alongside our additional comments made within this response, to allow you to have a range of advice.
We are available to offer further advice on Development Management Policy 6: Historic Environment, if you would like to take us up on this offer please contact me using the above details.


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

DM12 - Highways Safety and Vehicle Movements/Routeing

Representation ID: 732

Received: 04/04/2022

Respondent: Historic England (Midlands)

Representation Summary:

Policy DM12 Highways safety and vehicle movements.
Please see comments to Policy DM10 as they also relate here. This should be considered in the whole and whether impacts to the highway through traffic movements etc. are an unacceptable harm for the historic environment and how any future planning applications for new waste facilities will consider the issue of harm to heritage assets resulting from highways and vehicle movements.

Full text:

Many thanks for consulting Historic England on the above consultation.
Please find our comments attached in Table 1; we look forward to working with the Council’s as they progress their Waste Local Plan.
We commented on this document at an earlier stage in the process, 6 May 2020, and raised several general points and signposted a range of Historic England advice on our website. Please utilise this earlier response alongside our additional comments made within this response, to allow you to have a range of advice.
We are available to offer further advice on Development Management Policy 6: Historic Environment, if you would like to take us up on this offer please contact me using the above details.


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

9. Monitoring and Implementation

Representation ID: 733

Received: 04/04/2022

Respondent: Historic England (Midlands)

Representation Summary:

Monitoring indicators We further consider that separate objectives for the natural and historic environment would assist when coming to assessing appropriate monitoring indicators for the Plan. We consider that additional heritage indicators could be included within the Local Plan that would enable the Councils to assess if Policy DM6 is appropriate. Another indicator could be change in the number of heritage assets at risk for example.

Full text:

Many thanks for consulting Historic England on the above consultation.
Please find our comments attached in Table 1; we look forward to working with the Council’s as they progress their Waste Local Plan.
We commented on this document at an earlier stage in the process, 6 May 2020, and raised several general points and signposted a range of Historic England advice on our website. Please utilise this earlier response alongside our additional comments made within this response, to allow you to have a range of advice.
We are available to offer further advice on Development Management Policy 6: Historic Environment, if you would like to take us up on this offer please contact me using the above details.


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

11. Glossary

Representation ID: 734

Received: 04/04/2022

Respondent: Historic England (Midlands)

Representation Summary:

Please include a definition of ‘heritage assets’ within the glossary, linked to the definition within the NPPF.

Full text:

Many thanks for consulting Historic England on the above consultation.
Please find our comments attached in Table 1; we look forward to working with the Council’s as they progress their Waste Local Plan.
We commented on this document at an earlier stage in the process, 6 May 2020, and raised several general points and signposted a range of Historic England advice on our website. Please utilise this earlier response alongside our additional comments made within this response, to allow you to have a range of advice.
We are available to offer further advice on Development Management Policy 6: Historic Environment, if you would like to take us up on this offer please contact me using the above details.


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

DM6 – Historic Environment

Representation ID: 868

Received: 04/04/2022

Respondent: Historic England (Midlands)

Representation Summary:

We would recommend re-visiting the NPPF and in
particular paragraphs (not exhaustive to) 194, 195, 199, 200, 201 to ensure that the policy included within the Plan is NPPF
compliant. We would request a clause that states that where harm exists, schemes will try to avoid the harm, minimise the
harm in the first instance, and only then weigh the harm against the public benefits. Clause 2 is currently insufficient. In clause
5, we would recommend removal of ‘where relevant’ and instead focus on achieving enhancements for the historic
environment, heritage assets and their setting in all opportunities possible. As you have referenced in the opening paragraph of
this section the historic environment is ‘an irreplaceable resource’ and is also a great asset for an areas economic, social and
cultural development and all opportunities to conserve and enhance the historic environment should be sought.

Full text:

Many thanks for consulting Historic England on the above consultation.
Please find our comments attached in Table 1; we look forward to working with the Council’s as they progress their Waste Local Plan.
We commented on this document at an earlier stage in the process, 6 May 2020, and raised several general points and signposted a range of Historic England advice on our website. Please utilise this earlier response alongside our additional comments made within this response, to allow you to have a range of advice.
We are available to offer further advice on Development Management Policy 6: Historic Environment, if you would like to take us up on this offer please contact me using the above details.


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

DM6 – Historic Environment

Representation ID: 869

Received: 04/04/2022

Respondent: Historic England (Midlands)

Representation Summary:

Following on from the above comments, we would further recommend some amendments to the justification text including,
referencing assets as ‘heritage assets’, spelling error ‘moments’ to ‘monuments’ and additional detail relating to each of the clauses within the policy and how they should be achieved. We support references to the local list within paragraph 8.65. We
support references to the potential impacts to setting and cumulative impacts within paragraph 8.66. We consider that some
re-ordering of the paragraphs would sit better once the wording of the policy is finalised.

Full text:

Many thanks for consulting Historic England on the above consultation.
Please find our comments attached in Table 1; we look forward to working with the Council’s as they progress their Waste Local Plan.
We commented on this document at an earlier stage in the process, 6 May 2020, and raised several general points and signposted a range of Historic England advice on our website. Please utilise this earlier response alongside our additional comments made within this response, to allow you to have a range of advice.
We are available to offer further advice on Development Management Policy 6: Historic Environment, if you would like to take us up on this offer please contact me using the above details.


Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022

DM6 – Historic Environment

Representation ID: 870

Received: 04/04/2022

Respondent: Historic England (Midlands)

Representation Summary:

Clause 4/ paragraph 8.75 recording the loss of heritage assets should be a last resort but where it is necessary then we would
expect that the information should be updated to the Historic Environment Record (HER) held by the Councils, at least.

Full text:

Many thanks for consulting Historic England on the above consultation.
Please find our comments attached in Table 1; we look forward to working with the Council’s as they progress their Waste Local Plan.
We commented on this document at an earlier stage in the process, 6 May 2020, and raised several general points and signposted a range of Historic England advice on our website. Please utilise this earlier response alongside our additional comments made within this response, to allow you to have a range of advice.
We are available to offer further advice on Development Management Policy 6: Historic Environment, if you would like to take us up on this offer please contact me using the above details.

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