Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022
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Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022
DM6 – Historic Environment
Representation ID: 871
Received: 04/04/2022
Respondent: Historic England (Midlands)
We support the inclusion of justification text relating to assessing impacts to significance and would recommend that a clause is
included within the policy to set out what the expectations are - that these paragraphs provide the additional detail for. We
support the preparation of specific heritage impact assessment or similar documents that set out how the significance of any
heritage assets may be affected as a result of proposed development, and to be undertaken by appropriate, qualified
Many thanks for consulting Historic England on the above consultation.
Please find our comments attached in Table 1; we look forward to working with the Council’s as they progress their Waste Local Plan.
We commented on this document at an earlier stage in the process, 6 May 2020, and raised several general points and signposted a range of Historic England advice on our website. Please utilise this earlier response alongside our additional comments made within this response, to allow you to have a range of advice.
We are available to offer further advice on Development Management Policy 6: Historic Environment, if you would like to take us up on this offer please contact me using the above details.
Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Draft Waste Local Plan January 2022
DM6 – Historic Environment
Representation ID: 872
Received: 04/04/2022
Respondent: Historic England (Midlands)
Justification text should further expand upon additional material within the policy as a result of re-visiting the NPPF paragraphs
and Section 16 generally, as identified above. If the Council wish to send some additional draft policy material to Historic
England ahead of the next formal consultation, we would be happy to provide additional comments and advice.
We are very pleased to see a specific historic environment policy within the Local Plan and welcome its inclusion
Many thanks for consulting Historic England on the above consultation.
Please find our comments attached in Table 1; we look forward to working with the Council’s as they progress their Waste Local Plan.
We commented on this document at an earlier stage in the process, 6 May 2020, and raised several general points and signposted a range of Historic England advice on our website. Please utilise this earlier response alongside our additional comments made within this response, to allow you to have a range of advice.
We are available to offer further advice on Development Management Policy 6: Historic Environment, if you would like to take us up on this offer please contact me using the above details.